Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys, so sorry for completely disappearing for two days, I got food poisoned. Meaning I looked and felt like death, so yeah that's been fun. But I feel better today so I'm updating, hope you guys arn't to mad at me. So enjoy this chapter, sorry for the wait.

                                                                                                 -Britney =^-^=

Vince's POV:

Followed by each sickening snap or pop was a ear piercing scream. Watching Ari was by far worse than going through my own first transformation.

I felt absolutely helpless as I paced the room, realising how small her bedroom actually was. I winced as I glanced at her in a ball of pain on the floor. She was trying to hold back her cries now, probably for my benefit.

I had tried comforting her in the beggining but it had done no good, it was almost as if she couldn't hear me through her pain.

Being alpha I had witnessed many first changes, including my own. So I knew her pain was coming to an end. However, I also knew the worst had yet to come.

Now looking back on all those other transformations it was almost funny of how inconsiderate I had been. Never showing much sympathy or thinking how much pain the wolf was going through.

I had laughed at mates who stood back acting as if they were going through it themselves. Think they were being ridiculous and over reacting. I guess it was true, karma was a bitch.

Ari finaly let out a cry signaling that her change had come to an end. I turned to find a white and grey wolf with piercing green eyes. She was beautiful, not the normal black or brown colors found in most wolfs.

I had never seen any wolf with similar colors and markings before. But that wasn't the most odd thing about my mates appearance, she was smaller.

 It was normal for female to be smaller, but Ari was to the point that she could be mistaken as a large dog.

She just sat there staring up at me with those eyes I loved so much. I made my way over to her anxious about her reaction, I hadn't exactly given her time to process all of this.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, i'm an idiot I should have told you sooner. Does anything hurt or do you..."

I was cut off by Ari licking my face. I laughed "That's gross, Ari"

She had wolfy grin

"Oh, you think that's funny do you?"

She just sat there seeming frustrated that she couldn't respond.

"Don't worry once we have fully mated we will be able to communicate through our mind link."

I sat in front of her on the floor. She looked tired. "Okay, lets get you back to your hot self. Not that your not beautiful as a wolf."

She rolled her eyes.

"All you have to do is really focus on your human form, think about what you look like. Don't worry if it takes a moment or two you will get better at it."

Waiting patiently, I watched as she closed her eyes. It wasn't long before a naked Ari was in front of me, blushing like crazy.

Aribella's POV:

My face was burning with embarrassment as I quickly threw on some sweat pants and a tee shirt.

"Well, that was a nice show." Vince said while wagging his eyebrows.

I growled, wait? I just growled at someone.

He started laughing "Why the confused face?"

"I just growled, in human form." causing him to laugh harder

"Yeah, that will happened from time to time. But you will be able to control it eventually, unless your super mad. Don't worry though you won't bark at strangers."

"Ha, ha I thought you were my mate? Doesn't that mean you have to be nice to me?" I pouted

To be honest, I was thrilled about this whole mate thing. Vince was mine, I guess it kind of explained my obsession with him those first few days after meeting him.

"Aww poor thing, I only pick on you out of love my dear. So how was your first change?"

"Painful"  I winced still not completely recovered from the torture of the transformation.

"If it makes you feel better eventually it wont hurt at all. The worst is over."

"That helps a little. Hey, why am I so much smaller than you?" One of the first things I had noticed when I changed was that I was less than half the size Vince.

He seemed to think it over, trying to come up with an answer. "I'm not quite sure but it's normal for females to be smaller but your a lot smaller. Maybe it's because your so short in real life."

 "I'm not short!" I said trying to sound mad but I didn't pull it off as I yawned.

"You need some rest. Do you mind if I sleep on your couch? I don't want to leave you tonight, it makes me nervous when I'm not near you."

I felt my heart melt at his words. "You can sleep with me, that couch isn't fun to sleep on."

His eyes widened "Really?"

I laughed "Yeah, I mean we're mates right? Whats the big deal?"

He was about to reply when his phone suddenly went off looking at the caller id, he sighed.

"Hello?.....I knew I forgot something!.........Sorry man, I'll send someone to come get you tomorrow........Go to the last meeting.....bye."

"What was that about?" I asked

He sighed "I left Jake at the other packs territory. After Joe's call I went a little crazy"

"Packs?" There was so much I didn't know, I felt like I didn't know who Vince was at all.

"I'll explain everything tomorrow. For now lets just get some sleep." He said as he got in the bed.

I curled myself comfortably into his side and turned off the lights. "Goodnight Vince"

"Oh wait I forgot something" He said, his voice sounding alarmed.


"This" He screamed as he leaned and licked up the side of my entire face.

"Vince! Ewww, that's so nasty."

He laughed "Goodnight Ari"

I closed my eyes already feeling myself drifting to sleep. This had been an eventful day, but now with Vince's arms wrapped around me I couldn't bring myself to freak out about this werewolf thing.

Because for the first time in my life I was happy.

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