Chapter Thirteen

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Aribella's POV:

The next day I was a little behind in getting ready. Not to the point where I was in panic mode but where I would have to quicken my pace during my walk to work.

Not that Joe would care, in fact I'm pretty sure he would encourage it. Or anything normal for my age group for that matter.

He was always going off on how I should act more like a teenager and less like a middle aged woman. I should probably have taken offence to that.

It wasn't long before I heard someone knocking at my door "Who is it"

"The big bad wolf"

I laughed "Well in that case, my what a big ego you have."

I opened the door to find him with his hands on his chestt "That really hurt."

"So sorry, What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe I could give you a ride today, without the whole guilting you thing."

I sighed I really hated when people asked to give me rides, it made me feel like a charity case. I had spent my entire life being a charity case and I refused to continue being one.

"Vince, it's nice that your offering. I really appreciate it but I love my walks and I really don't want to be an inconvenience"

"Your not an inconvenience Ari"

"Well regardless I enjoy my walks so it doesn't matter"

He began to mutter under his breath I caught the words stubborn, and something that really shouldn't be repeated.

Finally he looked up "How about a compromise, you walk to work everyday unless it's raining or snowing and then I can drive you home every night."

"I still don't understand why you care." He opened his mouth to argue "But I suppose your not going to let me say no and i'm late so I really need to leave."

"All right, lets go."

I gave him a look.

"Just for today, i'm already here."

Getting his car I thought of something "You know what I was thinking?"

He laughed "What?"

"I don't know anything about you, aside that your pushy and drive a very nice car."

"It's a truck and what do you want to know?"

"Anything like how old are you, whats your family like, weird habits, favorite things, or things you hate. You know that kind of stuff."

"I guess we can just go through the list, but first you have to promise to answer the same questions when i'm done."

I shrugged "Seems fair enough."

" Well, first things first I'm 20 and as for my family I'm an only child. My mother died when I was 10 and my dad passed when I was 17.

I gasped "I'm sorry I shouldn't have pried."

"It's okay, I want you to know" he said with a smile

"What's next? Uhh weird habits I don't think I have any. But my favorite color is green."

"Why green?"

"There are lots of beautiful things in the world that are green, like your eyes."

I blushed

"And I can't think of anything I hate besides Jake."

I laughed "Why do you hate Jake? Hes a nice guy."

"Oh no, I'm not answering anymore questions. It's your turn."

"Well, i'm 18 and...." I paused I had never told anyone about my family but I felt like I could trust Vince and he had told me about his parents.

"And I don't really know anything about my family. When I was 5, I was taken into foster care without a single memory. They knew my name from a letter my father had left me and as for my mother I have no idea. I don't even know if their still alive." I could feel the tears fill up my eyes.

Vince who had pulled the car to a stop, whipped my tears. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure where ever they are they think about you constantly."

He gave me a hug and then turned so that his eyes met mine "I'm here for you now Ari. You don't have to go through all of this alone anymore."

I nodded, just by looking into his eyes you could tell he meant it.

He slowly leaned forward brought his lips to mine. After the enitial shock he started pulling me closer he deepening the kiss causing me to feel almost dizzy as the now familiar sparks coarsed through my body. This was nothing like the kiss in my dream.

 It was better

I could hardly believe a few minutes ago I was in tears because right now was easily the best moment of my life. 

 All to soon he pulled away, causing us to sit in our seats trying to catch our breath.  Looking around I noticed we were in the bar's parking lot.

"That was amazing" Vince said with smile on his face.

"Yeah it was."

"You better get going, i'll see you after work."

"Okay, see you later"

Walking towards the bar I knew my mind would be on everything but work.

Don't worry next chapter we will see whats going on in Vince's head. Next chapter should be up soon.  I know I always say this but I had to tell you guys how amazing you are! 5,000 views THATS CRAZY!!!! Thanks so much for all the votes and comments they mean so much. Now i'm off to write 14. So I hope you liked this chapter feel free to tell me what you thought!

                                                                                                                       Britney =^-^=

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