Chapter Six

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Aribella's POV:

I quickly hurried up the stairs to my apartment. I don't know why but the entire walk home I had the eerie feeling that I was being watched.

I shook it off as being paranoid as I flipped on the light revealing my apartment. It was simple a bedroom, bathroom, and a combined living room and kitchen.I had slowly tried to decorate the place make it seem more like a home. It was looking better and better with every pay check.

After working and all the walking I was completely exhausted and decided to go straight to bed.

About an hour later I felt my bed move beside me. I jumped up ready to scream only to have someone put their hand over my mouth "Don't scream it's okay."

 I had no idea who was in my bed but his voice sounded really comforting and familiar. I turned on my lamp only to find the mystery man from the bar. I know I should be terrified but I couldn't bring myself to feel anything but excitement.

"Who are you?" I asked hopeing to finally get a name for my mystery man.

"That  isn't important right now, I need to say what I came here to tell you."

 He looked like he was nervous as he took in a shaky breath "I know this is going to sound crazy seeing as we haven't even really had the chance to talk but I can't get you out of my head. I need you in my life Ari."

I was confused "How did you even get in my house, or know my name, and more importantly why do I feel like I know yo...."

He cut me off as he leaned in and began to kiss me. It wasn't my first kiss but it was definitely the best. He deepened the kiss as I let out a moan feeling little jolts of electricity running through my entire body. I ran my hands through his soft hair while he was pulling me as close as humanly possible.

 If this kiss ever ended it would be to soon. I felt complete, like I had finally found the part of me that was missing. A home. I had never truly had a home or at least as far as I could remember, but he felt like home.

All of a sudden the kiss changed, it felt as he had gotten almost vicious. I was becoming scared so I pulled away. Only to find myself face to face with a giant brown wolf.

He began growling and baring his teeth as I hurried off the bed.  I slowly tried to make my way to the door, his growling intensified as he shifted his back paws.

And then he pounced.

I woke up screaming and covered in sweat. My heart was beating loudly as I turned on my lamp and looking around the room.

I sighed as I slowly lowered myself back onto the bed. My mind was racing going over what just happened, but two main questions filled my mind.

Who was that man, and why was he in my dreams?

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