Chapter Five

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Vince's POV

I couldn't do it. I couldn't sleep with Melissa, I tried but no matter what I did I couldn't put Ari out of my mind. After Melissa left I sat in my bed restless for a few hours. Finally I decided maybe a run would help put my mind at ease.

Once outside I quickly took off my clothes and welcomed the change. After the first change the transformation was painless. In fact our bodies welcomed it.

It wasn't until I reached the Bar from earlier in the evening that I realised where I was going. I couldn't believe I had subconsciously  been drawn to this place.

I snorted to myself "Your doing a great job at that whole avoiding your mate thing." It was like 3 in the morning no way she would be here.

As I was trying to figure out what to do next I couldn't help but catch her scent. I glanced back towards the bar where she was locking the door and talking to an older man.  They seemed to be having an argument over something judging by their body language.

"I will be fine Joe, it's not that far of a walk. Why must we do this twice everyday?" she didn't look to happy about having this conversation.

The man I know know to be Joe huffed "Because I worry about a girl like you walking home by yourself. Not to mention it's freezing."

She laughed "In this small town I will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow Joe, goodnight"

She gave the man a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.  I can't believe I'm jealous over a man old enough to be her father.

Watching her leave I quickly decided to follow her. I just wanted to make sure she got home okay. Nothing mate like about that. I was just doing what any decent person would do. It's not like she would recognize me if she saw me.

Though a giant brown wolf would probably scare her to death, so I made sure to keep to the shadows as I walked behind her.

About 10 minutes later I began to wonder just how far she was going to walk. She had to do this twice a day? That was crazy and she must be freezing, shes not even wearing a decent jacket.

Not that I care. It was her business I was just making sure she got home safely. After about 30 minutes she walked towards an apartment building.

To say that the building was in need of reinivating would be an understatement. And that was just judging from the outside, I could only imagine the living conditions on the inside.

I was enraged, this was completely unacceptable! My mate living like this, I would not have it. She need a proper home and a car.

I cought myself getting carried away, It's her life, her problems. I don't care about her anymore than any normal person. I wouldn't want anyone living here. That had to be the reason I was so upset.

Or that's what I would tell myself anyways.

Hey Guys! I'm so excited about how many reads I have gotten and Votes!! I honestly didn't expect anyone to want to read my stories. But I'm so glad that you do!!!  Thank you so much. Also, would you guys rather have lots of shorter chapters multiple times a day. Or one big chapter once a day. I kinda like the smaller chapters but I'm not sure. They would be about the size of this chapter 2 or 3 times a day. Anyways, I would love to here from you so feel free to leave comments! You won't have to hear from me next chapter I promise ;)

                                                                                                     -Britney =^-^=

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