Chapter Eleven

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-~two weeks later~-

It's been close to two weeks. Hailee was doing okay, but she couldn't remember a lot. It took a while adjusting to her memory loss.

As for the brain damage, it wasn't that bad. She was still the Hailee we knew. As for me, I was perfectly fine, but Hailee wasn't. And it kills me to know that it's my fault.

Today Marshall was taking myself, Whitney and Lanie out to dinner. The younger girls haven't been out of the house for a while, and when they were they were at the hospital.

I felt guilty leaving Hailee alone with her mom, but I had no choice.

When we got to the restaurant, we ordered a kids table for the girls, and Marshall and I sat at our own. He said he had important news for me.

Marshall cleared his throat, "uh. Have you noticed any problems with me and.. Kim?" he asked me nervously.

"No, of course not. Why?" I responded.

He looked to the girls to make sure they couldn't hear what he was saying. He leant in and muttered, "I think she's cheating on me."

My eyes grew wide. I didn't think that would come out of his mouth, nor would Kim actually do that. I didn't respond.

"I'm not for sure yet, but she hasn't been home a lot and when she runs errands, it takes her a lot longer than it would take me." he mumbled. "And I take a long time."

"I haven't noticed anything." I said honestly.

"Okay, thanks Lee."

I nodded.

We sat in silence until our food came. I didn't know what to think if Kim would actually have the nerve to cheat on Marshall. Especially with Hailee being under medical attention and all. It would honestly tear the family apart, if not worse.

I looked over at Lanie and Whitney and they were busy coloring their drawing sheets. I frowned to myself. They're so young. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through a divorce at their age.

Sooner or later, our meals finally came. My mouth watered at the meal placed in front of me. I jumped when Marshall scoffed.

"A salad?" he teased. "That isn't a real dinner,"

I rolled my eyes at him. "And that is?" I remarked. He had ordered a giant lobster that looked like it could serve three people.

"Of course it is. It's seafood."

"It's giant. That could probably fill a crowd." I joked, even though I was being serious. It probably could.

I shoveled a fork full of my salad into my mouth. It felt good to have a real dinner for once. Even though it has been two weeks since the accident, we were constantly getting fast food. I swallowed and continued to eat.

"Can you promise me something?" Marshall asked me.

I nodded. "Of course. You can tell me anything, really. I can keep a secret."

"I may or may not have seen a lawyer already." He whispered nervously.

A lawyer. That could only mean one thing.

A divorce.

I nearly choked on my salad. "Wait, how do you know it's true? You could be jumping to conclusions, you know."

"I know damn well she's cheating on me." He snapped. I must have looked taken back at his answer because his eyes softened. "Listen, it's just really hard dealing with all of this." he sighed, placing his head in his hands.

"I don't know what to think." I let out, sighing also.

This was hard. Losing another mother - well she's close to a mother - makes me feel like shit.

"We'd stay with you, right?" I asked wearily. I crossed my fingers under the table, hoping it would be a yes. I love Kim and all, but I'm closest with Marshall and that won't change. Ever.

"That's what I'm worried about." he mumbled, swirling his mashed potatoes around in his plate with his fork. "With my career, it'd be hard to be with you girls at all times. I travel a lot."

"You haven't been traveling lately though?"

"No no of course not," he answered. It's my break time. And of course I couldn't leave Hailee's side during all of this chaos. But once September comes I'll be leaving again." he sighed.

" I don't know what to do."

I cleared my throat. "Well, whatever your decision is I support it 100%"

He smiled in appreciation and I nodded.


"Hey Hail," I smiled as I walked in her room. She was sitting on her bed, on her phone as per usual. She looked at me but looked away without any words.



"I said hey and you just looked at me blankly.. is something wrong?"

"Oh," she sighed, looking up at me. "I forgot to say hi,"

I just realized that I forgot about her memory loss. "Shit.. Sorry I.."

"Don't worry about it." Hailee gave me a small, but reassuring smile that it was alright and I accepted it.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack. Neither Kim or Marshall were in sight, and the thought of Kim being with another guy made me sick. I found Lanie at the kitchen table, playing with stickers.

"Leila?" her small voice cracked. I looked over to her and rushed to her side.

"What's wrong love?" I asked, brushing her blonde hair back with my hand. Her blue eyes were filled with tears.

"W-why aren't mommy and daddy talking?" she asked me. My stomach dropped.

I blinked nervously. "What do you mean baby?"

"They never talk anymore and mommy hasn't been home for a while." she sniffed.

I sighed, wiping her tears from her cheek. I didn't know what to tell her. I knew it wasn't my place to tell her about the divorce, but she asked me about it.

"It's okay, Lanie. Everything will be okay." I assured her and gave her a pat on her head.

"Lanie! Lanie! Want to play Wii?" Whitney rushed into the room, holding up two Wii controllers.

Lanie's eyes lit up and her tears were gone. She gave me a small smile before running to the living room with Whitney by her side.

-- sorry if this was short! Please check out my new story , it's a harry styles fan fiction and it would mean a lot for you to check it out! vote & comment:):)

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