to you,

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i've heard that you tend to look down on yourself,
i'm sorry.

let me give you the honest to god truth: you are imperfect, what is so wrong about that? nothing. because being imperfect doesn't stop someone's
from being adorable, nice, loving, or just an overall great person.

perfection is unnatural.

if you believe you are perfect,
that is a flaw in itself.

i love people for their flaws.

it's part of being human,
why bother with tearing yourself down for something that might even be out of your control.

if someone torments you for your flaws,
compliment them for their observation skills because wow they pointed out something about you and don't even try to comprehend the fact that you know yourself better than anyone else.

i believe strongly in not saying "it's going to be okay"
a lot because that's setting unrealistic expectations, but i know saying "just shut the bullies out" or "ignore them" will not help anything.

i believe you have the power to accept your flaws.

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