little things

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little things to write and think about
a collaboration between mae n rae

when you see someone you haven't seen in awhile and you know that they've changed
because people change but then they say things that remind you of all the things you've done with them and for a moment you feel like you're in the past.

that feeling you get when you hear a song that makes you forget to breathe
because it just stops every thought you were having and takes over your body.

having those little rushes of confidence that don't stay for very long but make you feel so good for that short time.

having someone hug or cuddle when you're cold,
feeling their body heat warm you up and feeling special
because that person loves and cares enough about you to share their warmth.

when someone looks at you and smiles for no reason
and it just makes you smile and feel all flustered.

getting sudden rushes of inspiration that just fill you with excitement.

the happy feeling you get from ukulele music.

stargazing with someone you really care about
and just forgetting about anything you were worrying about.

finding someone who makes you feel comfortable and you know that they love you
and will stand with you through everything you may go through.

when someone rests their head on your shoulder
and you rest your head on their head.

breathing in autumn air.

long hugs.

drinking hot beverages when you're cold and feeling the heat travel through you.

when you compliment someone and they smile and look down and their cheeks get all red.

a/n: when i was asking rae what we should put here her suggestions included "dodie clark and cheese" and "mcr getting back together"

thanks love.

i am not really sure what this chapter was but it was nice to think about.

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