ignore, a slam poem

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i asked a friend for advice once
someone had said something to me that just completely drained my happiness capacity
and i was upset
and what they said wasn't like a chill down the back of my neck
or a rush of cold air
but how i wish it was
it pierced through me and traveled through
every bone
every vein
every thought
i wish i could say i forgot
how for a several moments
i forgot to breathe
all because this person couldn't care less about me.

and i asked my friend
i asked them the only question i could formulate at that time
"what do i do?"
what they said made me feel worse.

"ignore it"

if we refuse to face anything what is worth fighting for anymore?

and yes sometimes it's just little arrogant things that people say
but you have every right to say that you will not be treated that way.

so don't just "ignore"
think about you're problems and evaluate what you need to do to make them not problems anymore.

pain is not something you can wash away
no matter how hard you try that stain will stay
and if you try to cover it up it will only make it more apparent to the people you think you have to hide it from that you are not okay.

and it is okay to be not okay,
so please don't pretend you are.

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