answers from q&a

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i'll keep adding on as more questions come in (:

1. what inspires you to write?
submitted by weepingwillow1357
really most of my inspiration is from people, especially the love poems. i love the feeling of having so much to say about a person, even if they will never read it.

2. do you realize how writing has changed more than just your life? does it occur to you how many people you reach, how far this art can actually go?
submitted by SempiternalEmoSongsx
honestly it's so surreal to me, the thought that i have readers in six continents is so incredible. why do you guys care so much about me (: it has certainly boosted my confidence.

3. do you listen to music to help you write?
submitted by poetryxwriter
always! recently cage the elephant has been helping me out of my writings slumps along with chop suey by system of a down, diane young by vampire weekend, and two weeks by grizzly bear.

4. what if i feel like my writing isn't good enough or people aren't reading it?
submitted by silverpage
hon, i don't know what to tell you about confidence in your writing, if you know anything about me, it's that i honestly hate my writing, but do NOT worry about the amount of readers you have. if one person is connecting to what you're saying or expressing, then that should be reward enough.

5. would you like to like this wonderful art?
submitted by newyorkdolls
if only i could express it beautifully ): I would like nothing more (:

6. what's your biggest inspiration?
submitted by ardenthema

7. how do you write so many poems in so little time?
submitted by ADamnMess
i get really bad stress if don't update constantly, no one is pressuring me, don't get me wrong, but all of the sweet comments and messages just make me feel so bad if i'm not publishing new content all the time. it's so unhealthy and negatively affects my writing, i am trying to work on only writing when i have inspiration though.

8. how long does it take you to write your poems?
submitted by radgalaxies
anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 hours.

9. how do you get so much publicity?
submitted by readerofEVERYTHING
i have absolutely no clue, i don't self promote or anything, i don't deserve any of it!

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