to you, (part 3)

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i will probably cry when writing this.

lovely, please stay alive.

i know it's really really hard,
i know that people make you miserable.

but please don't go.

i get messages from people saying things are getting to be too much, that death would be so easy.

it can be easy.

but i need you to stay.

i know a significant amount of you are struggling with depression and other very difficult things.

in no way are you weak.

just the fact that your reading this,
words from an irrelevant girl in an irrelevant book,
means you've made it to right now.
you've managed to fight through those rough times.

i need you to stay.

i need you to stay because i want to read your poetry, i want to know your favorite color, i want to talk about how cute you are, i want to know how you take your coffee, and so much more.

i need you to stay because i think your personality is perfect. though most people typically associate depression with sadness, which it somewhat is, i know that you're still here today because you have something to stay for, something that makes you happy. i have so much respect for you.

i need you to stay because even though people can say things sometimes that really get to you,
i think that you're adorable. i want to give you the biggest hug. yes, i am talking to a general audience, but i know for a fact that everyone that has sent me that kind of message has been the sweetest, most wonderful people i have ever met.

i need you to stay because i don't want you to thing any of what happened to you was your fault. disorders and arrogant people are out of your control, you didn't cause any of this. please don't blame or hate on yourself.

i need you to stay because if i were to just see you smile once, it would bring me eternal happiness.

i need you to stay because i love you, so much.
if i were to ever lose any of you,
i wouldn't be able to live with myself.
i will do what i can to make as many people feel loved as possible.

stay alive darlings.

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