to whom it may concern,

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on flaws,
as hard as it can be to believe, you're not as bad as you think you are. the way you see yourself and your personality is not what everyone sees. you won't believe the amount of times somebody told me something they're insecure about and i either never noticed it, or actually found it adorable. i am such a hypocrite for saying this but it's so true. sometimes i'll look at the things i can't stand about myself and just realize how stupid it is that i worry about it. it's not like i can change it. whenever you feel like this, think about the things you like about yourself, for some people, they might immediately say "there's nothing i like about myself." dig down darling, you're not being selfish, no one can hear your thoughts.

on love,
when you're young, the concept of love can be blurred. when someone tells you that they want to go out with you, be cautious. you might feel a sudden infatuation with that person, but evaluate if you want them, or you want that feeling, the butterflies when they speak and the way they make you blush. make sure that you care about them, make sure you feel comfortable ranting to them, crying in front of them, and being there for them as well. we are all so vulnerable and tend to not think before we feel our emotions get the best of us, it would kill me to see you get hurt.

on feeling useless,
darling, it's going to happen at some point, at some time you will think that you have no point being alive, that you will have no impact. i have thought about this way too much. you do have a use. your use is to live, just like everyone else. you may feel unimportant sometimes but just think about it, you're the center of your own galaxy, and you have the power to make big impacts on other people and create things that change lives, and that, is pretty incredible.

creating constellationsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon