thank you.

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i felt like i needed to just take awhile to thank you guys. there's been a challenge circulating around youtube called "the stripped down challenge" where you can basically ramble about whatever you want for ten minutes but you don't edit it, so there may be grammar mistakes, but here we go.

awhile ago, one of my english teachers had assigned a project where we had to create an anthology. the concept of poetry was new to me, i hadn't really read it before, besides maybe children's books, and i certainly didn't try to write it. my love for it grew so quickly. a few months later, my friend introduced me to this app. i started writing little short stories that were absolutely terrible. i remember getting so excited when my book hit 17 views. one day while i was looking for something to read, i came across journxl 's poetry books and just binge read them all. she made me realize that maybe i should start putting some of my poetry up.

"loud poetry from a quiet girl" is what i decided to call my first book. when i got the idea for my first poem, i was sitting by myself listening to music and basically just feeling irrelevant. i posted it and noticed a few people were slowly started to comment that they could relate to me. it made me feel so needed and helped my confidence a lot. expressing opinions has always been a little difficult for me, and writing has made my life so much easier.

if i could've told myself back then where i would be now, there's no way i would've believed it.

even the thought that i could be helping someone with my writing is enough to make me cry. i've had people tell me that i helped them stay happy while they were in the hospital or getting over a death and it just means so much. i know lots and lots of content creators say that but it gives me so much strength when i'm upset.

honestly, i still can't believe any of it.

thank you all so much.

creating constellationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora