one last time

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after all of the kind words when i spoke of my depart from this app i realized that i couldn't leave at such a sad note, so i thought i'd share my thoughts one more time as a thank you. i will also say this, life happens, this may not be the end. i am going to take some time and really work hard on what i am writing and will only post if/when i feel like my words are meaningful, instead of scrambling for metaphors and rhymes only for them to not make any sense. i got lost in numbers when i was posting almost daily and was so scared to lose readers and friends. i really needed that break to just take a breath and realize what's important. thank you so much for all of the support you've given me, it does not go unnoticed. i will occasionally read comments, my feed, and my inbox, i am not gone forever.


if i have to leave with one last poem i need to make it count, but how do you save lives in stanzas? how do i make it known that if i could talk each and every one of you out of an anxiety attack or suicidal thoughts, i would drop everything to do so. 

my advice for you is to be that person for someone else, do what i cant. i have lots of comments on my poems of people saying they have no one that cares about them, find those comments, be the person you would want people to be towards you, it will not only make them feel appreciated but they will definitely return the favor. 

tell your friends you love them more often, give more hugs, write more, make more art, do things that scare you. i have lived my whole life in fear of new things and new people, i would hide behind my words and write about what everyone else is writing, but it wasn't until i gained a little bit of confidence in myself and started to write about things i wanted to write about, even if they were controversial, did my poetry start to take off. it got the attention of people. do not feel like you have to write a certain way, make people uncomfortable if you have to, write with purpose.

writing can help you feel like your life is worth living, and sometimes you can help other people along the way because they have similar issues or situations. 

you don't have to publish or perform your art if you don't want to but don't ever stop making it. 

i look forward to everything you talented people will do in the future.

love always,



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