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seasons change and so do people

she was happier then, strong but obliviously vulnerable. young, yet wise beyond her years. she was experienced in everything except love, but the thought of it intrigued her. it was these qualities that initially drove me to her. unfortunately, it also attracted him. a boy who had the facade of a charming and loving person, a friend of many years. none of her wisdom could have prepared her for him. it was like drowning, she didn't even realize she was holding her breath until she was in too deep was submerged in his darkness.


you do not enter a relationship knowing that you're going to be hurt, it is a slow process

it was a new feeling to her, being someone's world. he had a way with words, they were like traps to lure girls in. she did not know she was prey. the summer was easy for them, memories were made that she will never forget, happy ones. perhaps it was those moments that made it hard to notice when he began to make small but significant changes.


the leaves fell and so did her confidence. she noticed at this point his true colors were showing, unlike the newly reddish-brown trees, it was far from beautiful. he chose her words for her, told her who to talk to, and constantly reprimanded her for even the littlest of things. she was like his marionette, she didn't even know she was given him control of her strings until he made every move for her.


the weather was cold but he was colder. at this point there was no romance, no spark, no summer memory could make up for the things he did to her or her friends. but that didn't stop him. even after she was able to escape his wrath, he learned no lesson, more like her have fallen victim to his convincing facade.


the girl i am speaking of is the strongest person i know. but it is those who hold it together the longest that fall the hardest. it is in no way fair to blame her for the pain he caused her, she could not have noticed. to blame anyone but him would be a grave injustice. i have been lucky enough to see this person bloom into a new person, but it comes with a price. she has trouble trusting people, it takes much longer for her to be comfortable around someone. fortunately, she has also learned to lose herself in loving others, to love herself first. so many people can learn from her. i just wish he would've.

a/n: if you couldn't tell, this is about an abusive relationship! this is a 100% true (unfortunately) story based on my best friend and her ex-boyfriend (whom we call "anti-homie"). he was cruel to her and everyone around her. she is so incredibly sweet and strong and is probably reading this right now, feel free to send some love her way in the comment section. she goes by han and is my favorite human on this planet 💕

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