Girl's Just Want to Have Fun

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Chapter Three

(Girl’s just want to have fun)

Sarah couldn't help but feel both excited and nervous. Diane had been unsure about letting Sarah go to the lake but after Ari and the others had shown up she had agreed. Sarah had a feeling the tomboy could talk almost anyone into anything.

Ari was glad to see Sarah trying to hide her excitement. It was about time Sarah got out of the house and let loose. Sarah's stepmother had been unsure about letting the dark haired girl but after assuring the woman they would look after her she had been less hesitant. A private word that Ari wanted to help Sarah get a little innocent payback on some mean girls had made the woman involuntarily laugh. Ari had told the woman she understood her concern and was right to feel that way. She also assured the woman Sarah had friends now and would not be cast aside come Monday. With hope for her stepdaughter, the woman had agreed.

Brandy parked her white Tahoe in the designated parking area under a tree and the girls all got out. The air was warm but not hot. A gentle breeze blew that subconsciously made people relax.

"Shall we scout for our victims first?" Jenna suggested.

"Victims?" Sarah said a little concerned.

Ari laughed. "She means Delilah and her heard of sheep." Sarah let out an involuntary laugh at the girl's remark. She'd never heard of Delilah's group referred to as sheep before.

"Awe man. We should have brought cotton balls!" Lola complained.

"Cotton balls? What on earth for?" Jenna questioned.

"Actually that's a really good idea." Ari said getting a mischievous smile. Everyone but Lola looked at her questioningly. Lola took on a proud stance and smiled like a Cheshire cat.

"I'm almost afraid to ask." Sarah commented. Hearing a few snickers she looked at the other girl's.

"Yeah you'd be right to be hesitant on asking when Lola gets an off the wall idea and Ari agrees." Brandy remarked. Looking at Ari she said, "Am I making a run to the store?"

"Not just yet." Ari said.

"Are you at least going to tell us what cockeyed idea of Lola's we're being drawn into?" Jenna asked.

"What do sheep look like?" Ari asked.

"What does….cotton." Sarah said realizing. "You're going to throw cotton balls on them?!" She said with wide eyes.

"Throw?" Ari said. The tomboy sighed shaking her head at the dark haired girl. "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. You're very new to the art of pranks aren't you?" Sarah bit her lip.

"That's okay Sar. We'll teach you how to have fun." Brandy assured the girl dropping a supportive arm around her shoulders.

"They're sheep Sarah. Do sheep have their fur fall off when they walk?" Lola asked with a huge smile on her face.

"You're going to make the cotton stick to them." Sarah said realizing. The girls looked at her and nodded.

"You can watch or you can help." Ari told her. "It's your choice, but you can't tell them what we're up to."

"Why would I warn them about anything?" Sarah said cocking her head to the side. The basket ball team members smiled and nodded approvingly at her.

"Let's go take a walk and see who's here." Ari announced and they started toward the lake.

"Let us know if we run across any more of your tormenters." Brandy added. Sarah looked at her. "Might as well get as many as we can tonight." Sarah giggled and nodded.

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