Seeing with new eyes

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Chapter 20

(Seeing with new eyes)

Arium was more than a little surprised by the princess’s request. While part of him wanted to tell her they could discuss any questions she had tomorrow, many years as a teacher told him to listen. “As you wish.” He replied.

“Do you play chess?” Ari inquired. The pale blonde haired man raised an eyebrow clearly caught off guard by the girl’s question. “It might be easier to talk over chess,” She suggested.

“I do.” He replied. “Come.” Ari followed him to another window on the far right side of the library. There they both took a seat on opposite sides of the chess board.

Since Arium was sitting on the white side of the marble chess board he made the first move; moving a pawn in the center one space. The teacher remained silent waiting for his new student to begin.

Ari moved her pawn while trying to silently figure out how to begin and what exactly she wanted to say.

A few more moves were made and the teacher couldn’t stop a smile from crossing his face as the teenage girl captured one of his pieces. “You’re very good. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a wonderful female opponent.” Air looked at him and the teacher knew he’d said the wrong thing.

“Forgive me Arianna, my words were not meant as an insult.” Arium assured her. “There are few women who are truly skilled at games of strategy in the underground. I would have to say you are the best.”

“Thank you.” Ari said accepting the compliment. “I’m sorry it’s just…” The blonde girl gave a huff. “I hate it when people believe I can’t do something because I’m a girl.” She sighed and moving a piece captured her teacher’s knight. “Look I ….I know I haven’t been fair to you. I just…I hate history and…I’m not a mean person by nature. I’m really not. This is just a lot to take in.”

Arium watched sadness wash over the teenage girl’s face; even as she captured yet another of his pieces. “You have been put through a lot it is true.”

“A lot.” The tomboy scoffed. “My whole life is a lie Arium.” The Dark Elf Princess looked up from the chess board into the eyes of her teacher. “I spent years thinking I lived with my aunt. I didn’t know she was my grandmother until last summer. I found my birth certificate and…some things in a box about the Underground.”

“I imagine you must have been very angry.” The Elvin man commented.

“Actually I was confused. Then I started digging around.” Arium continued to listen as his student continued to both speak and beat him at chess. The master teacher wasn’t a bad player by any means. He was actually very good. Ari was simply very gifted at strategy.

“I read my mother’s diary. She was devastated when my father didn’t come back.”

“So you allowed your anger to cloud your judgement.” The elvin man summarized.

“Maybe.” She replied looking at the chest board and making another move; capturing her opponents bishop. “I’ve been told my mother wouldn’t have died if I’d been born here. Is it true?”

“I regret to say that it is. The complications your mother suffered were unnecessary.” Arium said with a solemn face. “Your father came back in time for your mother. She was in fact gone and he did search for her.”

Ari listened to him with an open mind. Slowly she began putting the pieces together of what she knew and what she’d now been told.

“Did my grandmother know Soren was seeing my mother?”

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