Dinner cannot be dull

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Chapter 12

(Dinner cannot be dull)

The girls walked through the hall quietly.Each of them had been offered a dress for a lady to change into. Each of the girls had gladly accepted. The only exception being Ari. She’d thrown a conniption refusing to consider bathing until they brought her what she deemed appropriate clothing. In other words pants and a shirt.

Reluctantly the High King had agreed to the girl’s request. In truth it was only because he wanted to keep the new princess calm.

The guards had shook their heads but not commented as the group of teenagers had emerged from their rooms.

“Ladies.” King Riodan said as the group entered the dining room.

Jareth looked at Sarah as she entered and couldn’t help but smile. The dark haired girl had been dressed in an off the shoulder burgundy silk gown. Gold embroidery swirled in an ornate design over the bodice of the gown. Her hair was down but had been pulled back on the top into a gold and diamond barrette. The Goblin King found her even more beautiful than she had looked in the ballroom he’d sent her to.

Soren was also starring, but it was not with approval. Standing amongst four beautifully dressed young ladies stood his daughter in men’s clothes. He looked immediately at the King Riodan who only shrugged.

“Join us.” The High King instructed. He watched as the girls entered. Brandy had been dressed in a floor length Royal blue dress that was short sleeved and adorned with silver lace. Lola had been dressed in a light green dress that was strapless and gathered at the bottom. Jenna had been dressed in a silver dress with navy blue trim.

It took effort for Amador not to let his mouth fall open at the sight of the five girls. While four of them looked absolutely beautiful, Ari could’ve been mistaken for a guard. In fact she was wearing the same uniform as the High King’s personal guards. The pants she wore were white. Her shirt was gold and long sleeved. Her long blonde hair was however out of a pony tail and up in a braided bun. He almost physically had to shake his head.

The girls were led to their seats and a guard each helped them with their chair. Jareth however waived the guard away and helped Sarah get seated. Ari waived her own guard away and sat down like most guys would in the mortal realm.

All three kings and the High Prince noticed but none commented. They were however all having the same thought. ‘She’s going to take some work.’

“I trust everything was to your liking?” King Riodan commented.

“Yes, thank you.” Sarah said very politely. The other girls nodded.

“Once you took the damn dress away.” Ari said, still openly annoyed by the incident.

“Do you normally speak in such a way?” The Dark Elf King inquired.

“I told you I’m not princess material.” The blonde girl reminded him.

“So what kind of sports do you have around here?” Brandy said trying to change the subject.

“Sports?” The High King inquired.

“You do have sports right? Ari can’t survive in a world without competition.” Lola said. Ari looked at her. “Ari I know you. You get very bitchy if you don’t get your basketball time.”

“She’s got a point.” Jenna agreed. “I mean I know I’m bad but you’re…far worse.”

“We may not have sports, as you call them, like yours but there is certainly competition.” Amador said.

“What, who can lay who first between you and your brother?” Ari remarked.Upon hearing her remark Sarah abruptly choked on the wine that she had unfortunately been drinking at the time.

“Perhaps there have been those times in the past,” Jareth said not bothering to deny any competition between the two men. “However we also have tournaments. Which I believe is what my brother was referring to.”

Sensing Ari was about to make a smart comment no one would like Sarah said, “What type of tournament?”

“The usual. Jousting, fencing, archery, dagger throwing. That sort of thing.” The High Prince informed them.

“I could see you doing that.” Lola commented looking at the blonde haired tomboy. “I just wouldn’t ever want to compete against you.” Ari smirked.

“Why is that?” King Riodan questioned looking at the red head.

“Ari can be ruthless on the basketball court, I can just imagine what she’d be like with a sword in her hand.” Lola said and physically shuddered.

“You got that right.” Brandy quickly agreed.

“I’d never hurt you.” Ari assured her friends.

“Ari I still have the bruise from practice last week.” The brunette informed her.

“You were in my way.”

“Yeah and I don’t want to be in the same position if you have a sword, princess!” Brandy said.

Without a second thought Ari picked a roll up and threw it at her. “Don’t call me that!” She snapped.

“Hey!” Brandy yelled as she was hit by the unexpected roll.

Lola made the mistake of saying, “Well technically you are one.”

Before anyone could stop it a food fight had broke out and the entire dining room suddenly took on the form of a war zone. Try as she might to not be get involved, Sarah quickly became party to the food fight. Amador and Jareth both ducked a few times before ending up in the food fight as well. It abruptly ended when the High King stood up to end the undignified event only to get pelted by food from more than one person. One roll of which had suspiciously come from the Goblin King’s direction.

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