No Danger at Dinner Part 26

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Ari looked from Prince Mannion to Prince Hansel and back again. She glanced over at Sarah and was pretty sure her friend was as annoyed as she was by the two princes. Finally Ari had, had, enough. "Should we back up?" Ari asked looking at the two princes.

"Back up princess? I don't understand," Prince Hansel responded.

"I'm just wondering when both of your feathers are going to suddenly emerge and reveal your true identity of a couple of peacocks," She announced. Sarah let out a snicker before she could stop herself. Without waiting for either of the men to respond she looked over at her father and said, "You're going to half to so a lot better than this. I've had my fill." Without waiting for permission she rose from her seat and giving Jareth a respectful not she left the room.

"Where is she going?" Prince Mannion asked confused.

"Let us say neither of you have impressed my daughter," The king said feeling rather annoyed by the princes' constant bickering and need to upstage the other. "You are both dismissed." At first the two men looked confused but then seeing the warning in the king's eyes they quickly vacated.

Soren let out a sigh and then looked over at where The Goblin King sat. "I'm sure your brother will be pleased things did not go well."

"Amador want's Arianna to meet others in this world; including men. He just doesn't want her to fall for them," Jareth replied.

Soren turned his attention to Sarah. "You knew the moment you met them this wasn't going to work, didn't you?"

Sarah nodded and said, "Ari isn't going to give her attention to just anyone. That includes Amador. Our first meeting was her telling him to get over himself. She had no intention of letting Amador take me or her anywhere and if not for us she'd have let him have it."

"Amador changed because of your daughter," Jareth informed the king.

"He affected her as well but not as quickly," Sarah agreed. "Amador let her see the part of him he kept hidden. A part he may not have even known he had. However Ari recognizes things about people quickly; most of the time. The two of you are the exception."

"She was trying to protect you and angry with me," Soren replied. A small smile crossed his face as he thought of the ball and how quickly she had dismissed many of the men. How quickly she'd seen through a few and informed them of it. "She is very smart and a good judge of character."

"The same could be said for you in most instances," Jareth complimented. "Though I am somewhat surprised by your choices tonight."

"I owed their father's a favor," Soren hesitantly admitted.

"You didn't think she'd be attracted to them either," Sarah said realizing.

"No but she has now met two other men in the realm," He said. "She will be meeting a few more tomorrow." Jareth's amusement vanished. "I have arranged for you and Sarah to have some time to yourself. No crystal's Jareth."

"Why would....she's going to meet them while we're away," The green eyed girl summarized.

Soren's eyes turned to Jareth. "Amador is your brother and I'm not going to take the chance of you or your goblins interfering. Your goblins will be going with you," Soren informed him.

"Who's coming?" Jareth inquired.

"Prince Xathron, Lord Dunwood, and newly crowned King Tristin," Soren revealed. He watched to see if Jareth would show any visual signs of discomfort but the king did not. "While Lady Sarah may not know who these men are I believe even you have to agree they are wise choices."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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