A Talk Amongst Kings

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Chapter Four

(A Talk amongst Kings)

It was very early in the morning when Jareth arrived back at his castle. His goblins were finally tired out. He smirked as he noticed a very tired goblin run into a wall before turning and heading down the hallway.

"Perhaps I shall have to call on Arianna once in a while to wear them out once she is a permanent resident of the underground." He commented. Silently he thought he should do it the next time he was going to host a ball. The last time had been a near disaster. His goblins were so tired from their fun thanks to Ari he thought for once his subjects might actually let him sleep in.

He walked down a hallway the left and headed for his study. The Goblin King couldn't help but silently approve of the unknown royal's antics. If he didn't know better he might think the girl had goblin blood in her. She was as mischievous as some of his goblins. He laughed remembering the girl Delilah's tantrums at the pranks.

"Late night?"

Jareth looked over to see Soren sitting in a chair as he entered his private study. He was obviously more tired than he realized if he hadn't known another royal was there right away.

"The goblins were having fun." He replied with a shrug.

"I thought you were going to check on your little mortal and my daughter." The Dark Elf King said, less than pleased.

"That's where we were." The Goblin King informed him. Seeing his surprise he said, "It seems your daughter and my Sarah are becoming good friends."

"That must be convenient." Soren's captain, Tae, commented.

Jareth smirked. "Indeed."

"Why were you allowing your goblins to terrorize them?" Soren questioned. He didn't like the idea that Jareth had let his goblins harass his daughter at all. If he wanted to harass his little mortal fine, but not his daughter.

"Actually it was Arianna who was doing most of the terrorizing." Jareth informed him. "I admit my goblins got in on the action as well but it was your daughter that initiated it. She, Sarah and their friends decided to play some pranks on those that had been terrorizing my Sarah."

Soren quickly found he was unable to keep some form of a smile off his face as the Goblin King informed him of exactly what had taken place that night. Both their captains were equally amused as one or the other seemed to snicker here and there.

"Her antics were amusing but you will not be happy about everything concerning your daughter." Jareth warned. Soren regarded him with interest.

"By all means, enlighten me." Soren said when he didn't immediately continue.

"How shall I put this?" Jareth said not hiding his amusement. "Arianna is a strong girl and a force to be reckoned with in the mortal realm however… she lacks a ladies grace, shall we say?"

"The girl couldn't possibly be unattractive. Brianna was beautiful and, as much as I hate to say it, so is Evelyn." Soren said, annoyed at having to admit a compliment toward the woman.

"You misunderstand." The Goblin King replied. "Your daughter is indeed beautiful and her attentions are sought by males around her."

"You said she..."

"Soren your daughter is beautiful, but she dresses far more like a man than a woman." Jareth informed him.

"What?" Soren said as his eyes narrowed, not hiding he wasn't pleased.

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