Meeting the Goblins

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Chapter 9

(Meeting the Goblins)

Soren groaned hearing the bells that alerted him to the high king's presence. The Dark Elf King cursed knowing the sound of the bells meant the higher king was in a bad mood.

"What is this I hear about three other teenagers being brought here!?” The High King Roared looking at the Dark Elf King.

"I had no choice," Soren said defensively. "It was the last night I could claim my daughter and they were together. You ruled long ago that witnesses were not allowed." Soren reminded him.

"You dare blame this on me?!" The High King roared.

"No Majesty I am simply trying to explain..." He stopped as a white owl flew through the window and transformed.

Jareth took one look at his father and knew Soren had not said anything better than he had to him. "Father." He said and bowed to him for a second time that night.

"I trust there is a reason you have followed me here?"

"Indeed. While witnesses are not allowed and it was a bit… overzealous shall we say to take all the girls the problem can be rectified." The Goblin King began.

"I'm listening." King Riodan said.

"King Soren does not possess the ability to erase memories but I do. I suggest.."

"Your majesty!" Everyone looked to see a woman with long black hair enter the room. "The princess and her friends are gone!"

"What?!" Soren said shocked.

"I went to see if her highness and Lady Sarah would care for some tea and all the girl's rooms were open!" Darla announced.

"Find them!" Soren ordered.

"It seems we shall have to discuss this after they are found.” King Riodan looked at his son and said, "You'd best call up your goblins to help. If they manage to get out of the kingdom there is no telling where they could end up. I'll Send Amador to assist you." With that the king was gone.

"You didn't have them under guard?" Jareth said less than pleased.

"They were locked in their rooms." Tae informed him.

"Yes well that worked well didn't it?" Without waiting for a response the Goblin King transformed and headed out the window. The girl's needed to be found before they got themselves into too much danger.

Ari looked at the fire while everyone else slept. She knew her friends were exhausted. Even Sarah, who’d run the Labyrinth, was worn out. She sighed as she contemplated what to do next. The only problem was that while everyone else had slept, she’d made an unfortunate realization. They couldn’t cross back into the mortal realm again before Beltane. At least not on their own.

The blonde haired tomboy knew there were not very many Fae that would be capable of crossing realms when it wasn’t Beltane or Sahmain. One was the Goblin King and Ari wasn’t about to take a chance where Sarah was concerned. The only other options she had would be the High King or one of the Dream keepers. One was the Queen of Dreams while the other was the Nightmare King.

She quickly nixed the Nightmare King which left only two other options. The Dream Queen or the High King. The problem was, which one should they try to find?

Ari sighed as she heard a faint noise in the bushes not far from them. The girl may have pretended not to notice, but she was well aware they were being watched. The only thing she wasn’t sure of was who was following them or why. She was, however, very certain they weren’t Dark Elves.

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