Get Clean

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Chapter 26

(Get Clean)

Ari threw the basketball up into the air and caught it once more. She’d been awake for nearly 2 hours thanks to a very loud thunderstorm. When she’d first woken up she’d gone to check on Sarah but found her sound asleep.

“How can anyone sleep through this?!” She said annoyed as another loud crash of thunder ripped through the air. A flash of Toby the morning they had all had a sleep over at Sarah’s gave the new princess her answer. Toby could be very loud sometimes. Sarah had learned to sleep through a lot of things.

With a huff Ari put her basketball down and taking her feet that were propped up on the bed down she got up from the floor. She walked to her door and opening it headed out of her room and down the hall. Her hands went to her ears as the loudest crash of thunder she had heard yet echoed through the castle halls.

“Ever hear of carpet?!” The blonde woman complained. She hated that nearly every noise seemed to echo through the castle walls. Annoyed she continued down the long hallway.

 Ary stopped as she reached where the hallway she was in intersected with another hallway. She looked right and then left and sighed. Her blue eyes scanned the walls hoping to recognize something on the wall that would tell her which way to go. “I really need a map,” she complained.

“May I be of assistance?” Ary jumped and whirled around to see Tae behind her.

“Where the hell did you come from?” She asked before she could stop herself.

Tae smiled at her and then gestured to a door she hadn’t realized she’d passed several feet behind them. “I’m not surprised you didn’t hear me with the storm,” He told her after another roll of thunder had passed and she’d be able to hear him.”

“Yeah storms very loud. I’ve been up for two hours. If it wasn’t for Sarah’s brother being so noisy sometimes I’m sure Sarah would be up as well,” Ary said not hiding her annoyance.

Tae gave a nod. “Where is it you are trying to get to highness?” The captain asked.

“Kitchen,” she replied.

“Then allow me to escort you,” he said and gestured to the left side of the intersecting hallway. Ary didn’t argue and the two headed down the left side. Ary looked around as they continued to walk. “If you would like I can have a tour set up for you.”

“Not really one for history sessions. I could use a map though,” she replied. While Ary wouldn’t mind being shown around the castle she did not want someone to show her around and give her a detailed history of everything they passed along the route. She really didn’t care what materials had been used by an artist to make a piece of artwork or how long it had taken to complete it.

“History lessons?” Tae inquired.

“Arium took forever to tell us the history behind every piece of art work at King Riodan’s castle,” Ari informed him. “I mean I don’t mind learning about some things but not everything. If I want to know I’ll ask.”

“I understand,” Tae replied with a smile. “I have heard others mention Arium can be extremely thorough during his lessons.”

“Don’t forget boring,” she added. Tae gave a nod of agreement to the princess.

Tae lead the princess through a few more hallways and then into the dining room. “If you will have a seat I will have the servants prepare you some breakfast,” the captain told her.

“Oh no. I can get myself something to eat,” she told him. “No reason for them to make breakfast for one person.”

“They will not mind,” he assured her.

A Journey of Two Queens   - Labyrinth Fanfic taleWhere stories live. Discover now