Castle of the High King

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Chapter 10

(Castle of the High King)

One minute the girls were in the forest and the next they found themselves in the middle of a large throne room.

The enormous room had vanilla colored walls and gold molding. The window frames of four very large windows were also made of gold. There were two huge gold doors that gave entrance and exit to the throne room at one end of the room. On the far end of the room were two very ornate gold thrones.

“Where the hell have you brought us?!” Ari demanded glaring at the High Prince.

“Welcome to Avalon and the castle of the High King of the Underground.” The dark haired prince said proudly.

“Why I ought to…”

“Ari Wait!” Brandy said as she and Jenna both grabbed one of the tomboy’s arms. “Calm down and think rationally.” The blonde girl stopped struggling and looked at the brunette. “Don’t freak out till we know what they’re going to do.”

“Yes it would be a pity if you acted too hastily.” The girls looked to see a man with dark brown hair dressed in white robes standing just inside the large gold doors.

“Who are … you’re the High King aren’t you?” Jenna said, noticing how regal he appeared.

“Very good child.” King Riodan replied. Calmly he walked towards the group of girls. While it was calm it was also so graceful and yet powerful, all but Ari had to look away.

Reaching the girls the King looked each of their appearances over. “So you are King Soren’s little girl.”

“I’m not a little girl.” The Dark Elf Princess snapped with narrowed eyes.

The High King raised an eyebrow at her. The blonde haired girl was not what he expected at all. While he was not surprised she was beautiful, he was surprised by her open coldness toward him. “You may want to remember who you are speaking to.”

“A tricky Fae. I know what you are.”

The High King felt a mixture of annoyance and yet concern at her tone and manner. “I cannot help but wonder where this hostility is coming from.”

“You may be blonde but I doubt you’re stupid.” The tomboy replied. When the High King remained silent she said, “King Soren just ripped my friends and me out of our world and into another without our consent and you are the Goblin King’s father and that jerk,” She said pointing to the High Prince. “brought us to you!” She explained with showing contempt. “I don’t care who you are, Jareth can’t just take Sarah! Even if my father did make a deal with him.”

“Deal?” Sarah inquired.

“Goblins have been following us and followed us into this world. My father probably made a deal with Jareth. Find me and he’d give him you.”

“What?!” Sarah said as realization of what Ari said sank in. As much as she may not want to think it, the princess made sense. “Did he?” The dark haired girl demanded. “Wait, can he?”

“Jareth can’t take you because of the words you spoke but Soren could. Otherwise why would they wait until the last day to cross to bring us here, knowing we couldn’t get back without help?” The princess said angrily.

“Is Ari right?” Jenna asked becoming concerned.

The High King smiled at the young princess. “I must say you are highly intelligent for someone so young.”

“Can you send us home?” Sarah asked. She watched as King Riodan let his eyes fall on her. When he didn’t speak she knew the answer. “Is it you can’t or won’t?”

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