We meet again

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Chapter 11

(We meet again)

The girls had toured the castle and the castle gardens. Just before the eight hours were up a guard had retrieved them from their wanderings and escorted them to the High King’s throne room. The girls knew it must be getting close to the time for Jareth to arrive.

Ari stayed close to the dark haired girl. There was no way she’d let the Goblin King just take her. She didn’t care if the High King was his father, she’d protect her friend.

They entered the throne room to see King Riodan and Prince Amador were already there. Whippley and the rest of the Goblin group were also there waiting. The girls noticed the goblins looked more nervous than they were about their King’s arrival.

“Hey Whippley. You guys staying out of trouble?” Ari asked giving the group a warm smile.

“We already in truble. Dun need more.” Digger said clasping his claws together nervously.

“It’ll be okay.” The tomboy said and winked at them. While not all of the goblins looked comforted, Whippley flicked his tail and beamed at her.

A sound of thunder ripped through the air and the lights flickered. A set of glass doors toward the right side of the throne room flew open. A second crack of thunder and a familiar barn owl entered the room before transforming into the imposing figure of the Goblin King.

“Hello Father, Brother,” He said giving his father a tip of the head in respect.

Sarah immediately noticed he was wearing the black outfit he’d worn the very first time she’d ever seen him. Unconsciously her mouth slightly opened in awe. She had known he was beautiful but it seemed her memory had not been as accurate of him as she thought. He was far more breathtaking than she remembered.

As if feeling her eyes the blonde fae turned and looked directly at the woman he had spent many nights watching and dreaming of. “Hello Sarah.”

It took Sarah a second attempt before her voice finally managed, “Jareth… your majesty.” She said quickly correcting herself.

The Goblin King smirked at her in his sexy way. “It seems you’ve grown up.” He said and stepped toward her.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ari said stepping in front of Sarah. “You’re not taking Sarah!”

Jareth raised an elegant eyebrow at him. “Is that so?” He said tilting his head to the side as he watched the teenage princess openly glare at him.

“We shall see.” He said. Catching a glimpse of his goblins however he turned his attention on them. “It seems some of us have for gotten where their loyalty belongs. Perhaps a swim in the bog of eternal stench will…”

“Don’t you dare!” Ari said and stepped toward the goblins.

“You dare to…”

“They’ve only done what you asked.” Jareth turned at looked at his dark haired obsession. “You did have them following us didn’t you? Even before we came here?” Sarah said openly challenging him to deny it. “Why?”


“Did you make a deal to have me brought to you?!” The dark haired girl demanded beginning to sound angry. “Did you?!” She shouted at him.

Ari would have attacked the King but stepped back seeing Sarah was handling it on her own. The tomboy wanted to protect her friend but at the moment Sarah didn’t need her to.

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