Pranks in the Night

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Chapter 14

(Pranks in the Night)

It was late as Sarah sat up in bed. Frustrated she couldn’t sleep she got up and walked over to the window. She looked over on the small chaise lounge in the corner of the room to see Ricket out cold. The dark haired girl smiled at the dark green goblin. For whatever reason, the pointy eared goblin had attached itself to her; in turn she was becoming just as attached to him.

‘Who would’ve thought?’ She thought to herself. Careful not to wake him she entered the dressing room of her suite and changed out of her night gown and into the Capri pants and purple and gold top she’d been wearing at the basketball game when they’d been captured. She smiled remembering how hard Ari had tried to talk her into wearing a basketball uniform to the game. She’d almost given in but wanted Jason to see her as a girl.

The green eyed girl frowned as she remembered Jason. He’d never been mean or nice to her until Ari. Still, he’d been very nice and attentive to her since the lake. A tinge of sadness swept over her. She’d never know his true intentions now. Whether she liked it or not, she was now part of the underground.

Silently Sarah left her room and entered the empty hallway. The last thing she wanted to do was disturb her goblin friend. A small smile graced her face as she thought about how Ricket had come and found her after she’d spoken to his king. She’d cried and the green pointy eared goblin had done his best to comfort her and then began to fool around causing her to laugh. He’d cheered her up quickly.

As Sarah walked through the halls she could hear the sound of Dydimus’s words in her head as if he were speaking them to her face to face right then. The fox creature had eased her concerns where Jareth was concerned. She somewhat wondered what the fox would think of her current situation and his King.

As she entered the more common areas of the castle she passed a few guards who gave her a nod of acknowledgement.

Before long she reached two large glass doors that lead out onto a terrace above the rose garden. Gently she opened the left side of the double doors and entered the night air.

She walked to the white stone banister and looked down into the garden. Looking down at the moonlit roses the Goblin King’s words filled her mind. Sarah felt angry but here, now, without anyone else around, she thought she could remember regret and even sadness in some of his expressions and words. The teenage girl had been too angry to notice it at the time but she did now.

Starring at the roses she began to question if perhaps he did love her. If she had been in the same situation as Jareth she wasn’t sure how she would have handled it. “I just don’t know.”

“I do.” The dark haired girl turned to see her blonde haired friend had entered the terrace and had begun to walk towards her.

“Oh?” She said raising her eyebrow at her questioningly.

“I think we need to make King Riodan understand that none of us belong here and he needs to send every one of us home.”

“I suspect you have something in mind?” The new princess smiled. “Thought so. What are we doing?”

“Go get Ricket and tell him to get Lola and Digger up. We’ll get the others. Right Whippley?” Whippley stood grinning next to her. Mischief danced in his eyes as his long tail swished around but touched nothing. Ari turned around and left the terrace with her goblin at her side.

“Something tells me we’re going to get in trouble.” With a sigh Sarah headed for the door herself. “I wish I knew why I was going to go along with it.” Shaking her head she made her way to her room to wake up her goblin. This was going to be a long night.

Fifteen minutes later the girls and their goblins had all gathered in Ari’s room. Some were a bit more awake than others. Lola had to be sent back to her room twice. The first time was to change. Unfortunately she hadn’t been awake enough to know why she’d been sent to her room and returned only to be sent back again escorted by Sarah.

“I’m dressed what are we doing?” Lola asked now awake.

“We’re going to give the High King the incentive he needs to send us back.” Ari informed the group.

“We play?” Widget asked getting excited.

“We play!” Ari confirmed mischievously before walking over to a table a few feet away.

“Are we gonna get thrown in the dungeon for this?” Brandy asked.

Jenna shrugged. “If we do we’ll probably get enough laughs to last our incarceration.”

“That could be worth it.”

Lola looked at the black haired girl with red streaks and then the brunette. Shaking her head she looked at Sarah. “Ari brainwashed them of their common sense long ago. I just know it!” Sarah giggled while nodding with agreement. Neither noticed their friends glaring at them, having heard the remark.

“Here’s the plan.” She said and handed each a set of instructions. “Each of you has a task for you and your partner to complete.”

“We really are going to end up in the dungeon.” Jenna said and glanced up at Ari; a wide smile across her face.

“Dungeon nothing, they might execute us!” Lola said horrified.

“Nah.” Brandy said waiving her hand dismissively. “Good incentives.” She added looking over at the nearest other set of tasks. “This could take a while.”

“Then I suggest you get started. Whippley and I already have ours worked out.” She said and glanced at the now giggling goblin.

Sarah looked down at her task and paled. Hoping this was a joke she looked at the tomboy she’d gotten to know so well. The dark haired girl sighed. Nope. The look on the blonde’s face said she was undeniably serious. ‘We’re toast!’ She inwardly decided.

“Okay, divide and conquer!” Ari said and happily left her room with Whippley in tow.

“Can I just ask one thing?” Lola asked once the tomboy was gone.

“What?” Jenna asked.

“I know we’ll do this but…why? How do we always end up doing what she wants?” The red head said sounding exasperated. “I mean…. You can’t tell me no one is going to notice wild animals running through the castle.”

“Wild animals? Must be on your list. See ya.” An unconcerned Brandy said leaving the room, looking suddenly as mischievous as Ari.

“Wild animals?” Sarah asked and looked at the red heads task. “There not wild just…. Not house broken.”

“Oh that’s so much better!” The red head grumbled.

Sarah laughed. “Could be worse.”

“Don’t say that. We don’t know what the others are doing.”

“Good point. Come on Ricket.” The green skinned goblin snickered and they headed out the door. “Yep a long night. ” As they walked through the halls the green eyed girl looked over at her cohort. “Why do I think this has all started because Ari couldn’t sleep either?”

“Princess fun. We have fun Lady.”

“Yes Ricket we’ll have fun.” Silently she added. ‘Fun right into the dungeon.’

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