Chapter 7 the books of our forgotten yesterdays

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Secret library under island 7/ 

316 days before the singularity 

For 20 minutes we had switched between walking and running under the island. If we were on the surface of the island we would be near the center of the forest. As we made our way from the edge of the island into the center the gloom of daylight had faded to near darkness. Soon we were surrounded by so many concrete support legs it was like being in the middle of a concrete forest. Well an upside down forest - possibly an Australian forest. A drone appeared with a searchlight and Mom shot it. After another 10 minutes, we eventually found an old rusted metal door. It took our combined strength to push it open. Climbing in mom reached over to a dusty bag left hanging hidden up high.

"Collar torch on" I said pressing my collar button. Each slave collar has a small flash light which comes on for the surveillance system which reminded me.

"Mom what's the point they can track us with our collars" I said realizing. They could see and hear everything we did they even knew our body temperatures and our location relative to the islands central tower. 

"Not Jenny's" said Mom looking at the ceiling " not yours and not mine, your dad knows about collars, they will give out false data"

Finally, we've found a trapdoor in the roof above. Mom lifted the door up. above us was the familiar look and smell of the secret library. She climbed up and searched the space. Hunter passed little Jenny up, then gave me a leg up. We were just under where our teacher Miss Maden sat to read to us when we were young and then later give us lessons at the after school 'school'. Little Jenny went over to some old hessian bags where the younger kids books were stacked.

"Where are we darkness in a biscuit?" said Hunter as our eyes got used to the gloom. Mom undid the covers of the glow pipes. They brought in light from the outside and cast light in the space,  spotlighting the dust.

"This is the library." I said looking around. The gentle familiarity of the library restored my soul like meeting and old dear friend. 

"I wondered what your mother ship looked like, biscuit, but why are we hiding here?" said Hunter.   

 "They can't find us here" I told him "It's directly below the wifi tower - Dad said the coordinates it gives are zero, zero which are the same as unknown. So the machines assume it's interference, but you still get signal your collar doesn't explode". 

Mom started searching the library, she would move something and find a hidden compartment with a round of ammunition or two in it.

"I can't stay for long." Mom said to me going over to the book section marked 'History', "Someone will be along to take you to a place of safety off the island. When they come go with them. They will use the words 'Destiny Rising'. "

"OK," said Little Jenny hardly looking up from her book.

"Why?" I protested "what's going on?"

Mom paused while reaching behind the series of eight books called 'Wikipedia'. 

"While we marched on the plain of tears, we found a note written by someone we trusted." Mom began " The note said Little Jenny, was the key to something very very important. Something which could change the world. Something so important every resistance fighter on this island is  willing to give their life to protect you in your job of getting little Jenny, to where she needs to get to."

"She's Prometheus or something ? She's not even a teenager. You know how stupid this sounds?" I said.

"Liberty always sounds stupid, Freedom is a huge waste of time but believe me once you have had it there is no going back" said Mom handing me a gun. "The pulse gun is electronic, just point and pull the trigger. It has digital guidance so you don't have to aim, it aims it's self."

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