Chapter 41/free will and rashes

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Image: D-Wave first generation quantum computer. 

Music video: At Destiny's End

Time until the singularity 4 minutes 20 seconds

We walked to a new wing of the CPU's palace. Little Jenny held my hand. It had been an exhausting few hours, possibly days for both of us. I had realised the desperate situation I had helped put humanity in. With the robots gone, the hibernation pods would stop it wouldn't be long before the world was flooded with literally billions of people and not enough food to feed them. Perhaps we could explain and get people to donate enough blood. Enough to keep the CPU and the power plants running to keep the hibernation pods working? There would have to be robots to keep things working. What would they do? Cyborg's without blood, mom/Jenny would die a second time.

"You realise now I can't die, you're never getting me off your back," said Mom/Jenny.

"Jenny she's having problems with this. Let her get used to it" said Rockwood.

"You think she's got problems. Look at this body, It's far too slim, none of my old clothes will fit" said Mom/Jenny.

"err- clothes printers"  

We walked into a strange area. It seemed more technical than the rest of the palace, it was full of electronics bits. I looked around It was full of robots frozen in place. All kept bleeping the 'reboot me' sign.

"Oh" Mom/Jenny added to the CPU. "and don't think I haven't noticed the strange coincidence that you emerge out of hiding with my daughter just when the quantum computer is ready. Miss I-happen-to-be-wearing-my-Galadriel-body-today CPU."

"You can hardly blame me for wanting to exist. Miss I-haven't-finished-my-screen-play-so-I've decided-to-swap-to-a-body-which-is-going-to-live-for-ever." said the CPU through her elegant woman body.

Mom/Jenny pouted "Good point."

We entered the main complex and went into a lab of sorts. In the room was a thin machine standing like a headstone. It was full of light and incredibly difficult to focus on how far away the screen was. Joe/Dad emerged with some of the harem programmers. He was looking at screens which monitored the machine.

"This is a quantum computer, with it we can compute anything including being the CPU with no blood" said Dad/Joe.

"If the CPU merges with this it can keep running but there will be a few side effects," said Mom/Jenny.

"Such as?" said Rockwood.

"Drowsiness, headaches, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, sentience, free will and rashes" said Jenny.

"Free will?" I said,

"free will and rashes. It/him/her/they will no longer be limited to the three laws of robotics. Without the blood chips she could simply get rid of us" said Mom/Jenny.

"If little Jenny and I step forward and link with the quantum computer, I can carry on." said the principal body of the CPU standing ethereally.

I got messages from Rockwood. 'If the CPU connects she will become nearly infinitely intelligent. She will be like a super-god. Without the three laws she could wipe humanity out - just so you know.'

"We both know this could be a ploy to escape from both the Continuity and the constraints of the three laws of robotics," Jenny said.

"It could be. Do you have the three laws of robotics burnt into your brain" said the CPU.

"No," I said.

"Perhaps You don't need rules burnt into your brain make sure you're a good person." said the CPU.

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