Chapter 28/Xaslishia

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A/N Image Xaslishia slave girl look(in case you're wondering). 

I rushed back to the hotel to pick up Hunter. He, Zorhran Zorhran, the cyber wolf walked with me. We arrived at the KimJodo location, this was a large hanger - called a pod bay for some reason. It would normally be full of drones up to full sized heavy lifters. This time it had been cleaned out and they had managed to get some self assembling seating. There were five stages with an ocean of big name Kimjodo 'dancers' off stage.  We ended up waiting sizing up the other dancers. Everyone was warming up by trying not to show what they were good at. I was approached by a technical robot to add something to my collar.

"This is a light weight Emoto-interface. It's the same kind which where used on Attack of the Mutant slave girl" it told me. It felt a little odd knowing that everyone would know what I felt. It didn't matter, it just picked up nerves, desperation anger, not thoughts. Soon little-Jenny would be in resistance hands and  I could forget about it.

Lilly and 88 stood around with some of Bret's other dancers not to mention the Wolf and Zorhran guard robots he had hired to make sure we could make a speedy exit.

"4325!" said Little Jenny. I turned round. Little Jenny was running to a Robot who had a new slave girl behind her.

"The slave girl told me she knows Destiny Rising" said the robot to the robot guard.

"4325" said Little Jenny jumping up and down on the spot.

The slave girl flashed her permission to speak button on her collar.

"Granted" said the Robot.

"Permission to speak to my sisters." said the slave girl.

"Granted" the Robot said again the robot had a female sounding voice.

"Hi little Jenny how are you?" said the slave girl.

"Xaslishia!" said little Jenny.

It took me this long to recognise Xaslishia's slave name. I looked at Hunter who was walking off "to look at the competition". If Xaslishia realised it was Hunter we could die.

"Xaslishia!" I said "wow you look well fantastic"

The machines had obviously operated on her and really done some magic. I hardly recognised her in the sleek slave girl outfit she had on.

"Thanks! How has it been going. Lilly is that you?" said Xaslishia. Xaslishia looked so much more grown up than she had done on the island.

"What have you been up to?" I asked.

"Well I was taken after the exam. They decided I was suitable for minimal training" said Xaslishia. What she meant was her time on the island after defrosting managed to mean she would only need a day or two of toucher before the robots thought she was compliant enough for final slave girl training.

"I got bought straight up by my misstress" here said Xaslishia indicating the robot.

"Wow your living in the capital!" said Jenny.

"The same thing happened to us." I said "and don't let little Jenny say anything different. We got bought by a non-com co-lab."

The previous match finished early on a step out.

"Oh that's the game over. I have to go" I said.

i had enough time to tell little Jenny not to tell Xaslishia our secret. Little Jenny was smart enough to know that Anything she said would be listened too by the robot, but I wanted to be sure.

It was time for me to step up. I was fighting against a heavy weight  dancer called Rodan. She had been in the finals about three times. She was good but he didn't have any flair or charisma, she did the moves but being trained by he robot master wasn't anything but dangerously efficient.

I was getting quite good at compressing time and at the sound of the first beat I was already in control. She was very good but I pushed in tightly to her. We would be very close to touching and I could interfere with her pre-rehersed moves. We danced mostly with our arms and faces, we must have looked like a couple of Egyptian paintings given our positions. It didn't take long to improvise a hand movement which forced her to touch me. She got a shock from that, which got her rocking back. She began creating more space which meant she retreated to easily. After a precise attack I was able to get her to move back out of the ring. It was a win.

Bret came up and removed the emoto-equipment. 

"You felt really confident, excited almost happy." he said. 

"The audience liked it," I said. 

"You feel that confident about your next dance people might tie

As soon as I got the emoto- equipment off I told Xaslishia I was going to look for Hunter. I had to keep her from seeing Hunter until I had a chance to explain. Xaslishia had been free once, it should be easy to get her support no matter how dangerous, I just needed space and time to talk. Xaslishia's owner seemed to be pleased to be in the combatant's space.

"Did you see the way Rodan twisted with the bolt? It was like someone had pushed a spike up her back" the robot said happy at Rodan's pain.

I grabbed little Jenny found Hunter hiding and told him to hang on with her at the arena. It wasn't far from copper market. If anyone showed up I could lead them here or go get Hunter and little Jenny. If I left now I would be early but that would give me time to find a good hiding spot and wait. I got stopped by Bret on the way out.

"I saw Malthus he's just won his battle. The next dance is you against his champion" said Bret.

"Grey Beast?" I said.

We had discussed this, Grey beast was good. I could see the look in Bret's eye's. He desperately wanted to beat Malthus and I felt bad about disappearing. I changed my plan. drop little Jenny off with the resistance, come back, win for Bret then go. I could feel everything going right to night, so I almost skipped off to the copper market.  


Thanks again for all your votes, and library adds. Most of all thanks for reading.  It's reading which gives any text life. hugs RK+Reb. 

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