Chapter 21/Solo

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A/N Another exciting roller cost of a week for Cyborg's daughter. 

The next morning Hunter had decided we should walk around for a bit before going back to Bret's Kimjodo. Things seemed out of step.

"Are We OK ? Are you OK? darkness" said Hunter.

"I am, but I'm getting worried, the longer we go on the worse the punishment will be when we are caught" I told Hunter.

"You really having given up on yourself and humanity haven't you, biscuit" said Hunter.

"I like to think of it as realism," I said.

"In some decks of cards faith trumps realism, biscuit bad banana," said Hunter.

"Not my deck" I said.

"Red" said Hunter.

A robot walked by with a slave boy following behind on a leash. Hunter and I were partially side by side. I wondered if we stood out too much.

"Yes master," I said.

"Green" said Hunter.

I looked up. "It's not you, your acting the part of the co-lab master really well."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult biscuit," said Hunter.

"It's it weird, I think your bizarrely cute when you release your inner bad boy" I said.

"Except last night darkness," said Hunter.

"I'm sorry" I said, "I was tired"

We passed the place where Hunter had kissed me to hide from the drone, and I couldn't get it out of my mind.

"You don't have to hold on long soon we will be in Washington 2.0 we can get out of this." Hunter said.

"Via fights in City 05" I said. "Red"

A couple of wealthy collaborators past us and nodded knowingly. Hunter returned it.

"Green." I said " I spent all of last night in the cage think gin about this. I'm worried about Little Jenny. I promised Mom I would protect her. The higher matches go up to higher pain levels. I don't want to have her experience pain at level 7."

On the big match the pain levels could be bid for, there was no limit you could bid up to level 10 if you were dumb enough to do it.

"For the next matches I want to ask Bret about going solo." I told Hunter "or rather I need you to tell Bret this is your idea, as a slave I don't get to have ideas. I'll tell Bret you ordered me to do it and I'm obeying you."

Hunter pulled a reluctant face. "The word on the stands is that solo is where the top end of the sport is. There will be harder more competition. Zorhran Zorhran and the Wolf would go for it. There is more prize money in the solo top end, biscuit but Bret says you feels every hit on you."

"Does that make you feel jealous?" I asked.

"Shut up slave" said Hunter smirking.

Thinking Hunter had gone into col-lab mode I looked around, there was no one.

"Someone is getting to enjoy ordering me around, I see" I said.

I did worry sometimes. Hunter played the 'master' well. He could sound every bit cool and callous as the next co-lab. Perhaps this power was corrupting him. I felt the obedience was corrupting me, I kept finding myself feeling it as natural. It was like I was two people, the born slave and the resistance daughter. The machines had me by my feelings and my parents by my logic. It seemed odd but it was a strange inversion how I thought life should be. I knew it was partly the other slaves around me and I would catch myself thinking I had the blessing of a kind owner, then realising I had no owner at all. It shows you how deep into something you can get even without believing it.

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