Chapter 39/ The words of Prometheus and the end of the world

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Video: mood music for the chapter. 

/Arena of the Kimjodo finals/Washington 2.0/

I  stood on the stage after winning the impossible fight against the android. The Hunter-killers had held back but now began to rush forward. I had committed the ultimate sin, I had beat a machine. This was something which they could not afford to let slaves see. By winning I also had temporary access to a large chunk of slaves over the internet. This was a underground signal, not a tightly controlled government channel but a pirate signal sem- officially setup by the Kimjodo enthusiasts. I had to tell the human slaves one vital task they had in the coming revolution.

"I took the machine on so I could tell you one thing. Do nothing. DO. NOTHING" I said. 

I said very clearly and very loudly. "If you do one thing, do nothing and make sure everyone else goes near a machine"

If everything had gone properly my Moms were out there monitoring the broad cast. Suddenly machine after machine fell forwards in their seats. The hunter killers moving towards us melted to the ground. I knew it was my Mom/Jenny plus little Jenny triggering a virus that had been planted a long time ago. When my blood was taken it had also been put into the blood vats and then quickly packaged to power millions of robots. The edited DNA in my cells along with nano-bots had transferred reboot virus code into the machines. Now I the signal was being sent electronically to start machine after machine to crash. I was vector among many, the resistance had spent years loading the virus up in many guises. 

"The robots, the androids, the collaborators are crashing all over the world. " I said time You must resist the temptation to reboot them. I am Prometheus and I call on you now to do nothing"

"Reboot me" the robots in the front rows could be heard saying on automatic.

Around the arena and around the world I could feel machines crashing.

"Around the world the machines are crashing. Artificial Intelligences flashed up a blue screen of death. The Cyborg's are fainting. The collaborator androids are falling on the ground. All the machines are calling out to be rebooted by their loyal servants. Except we aren't loyal. We are slaves forced into a role nature never intended. With out an owner to punish you, you are free make the first choice in some 20 years. I'm telling you don't touch them" I told one slave who looked concerned "If a few are rebooted, they will reboot others who reboot others and we will have lost the only chance to get out of this mess. Together we can undo this apocalypse. To those who remember freedom, we can regain our liberty tonight."

It was the machines fundamental flaw. The robots had been programmed by flawed humans. Humans had designed the blood chips. No matter how well the machines patched them selves up there increasing speed meant the time between crashes was about constant. It had always been so since the dawn of computer history. With the additional virus in my and jenny's blood, the machines had drank their fate and their fate was me.

There was a noise on the metal roof like a metal drum being struck. I knew it was the sound of many drones falling out of the sky, now the robots were not guiding them.

"Tell everyone not to reboot their masters. Go out tell everyone you know do nothing. This is the voice of the revolution. Our new world is only hours away" I told them. Before I could get into the details the system went down. I don't know if it was hit by the virus or that the Continuity had shut it down. It didn't matter the end of the robot world hand began.

Then I got a message from Mom/Jenny "Come quick. We cannot free the CPU."

"The signal is dead." I told Hunter "we need to get back to the palace of the CPU immediately "

In the previous occasions, I had managed to bypass the complex palace security by being captured. Now the security would be solid but we needed a fast root to the place. We rushed outside. We passed slaves arguing if they should reboot their owners or not. The machines lay on the floor wailing like babies. Some slaves found the noise so annoying they began to hack at the speakers making the noise. Others mostly older ones were looking for anything they could use to pry their owners apart. Between the machines and the people shouting and screaming it was like this was going to be a difficult point.

"Look the hibernation pods are waking up, biscuit" pointed out Hunter.

I could feel it but it was not clear if it was a move by Rockwood to get more people or if it was a plan by the Continuity.

"If it's just some of the pods in the capital that's good if it's all of them we are doomed" I said.

Hunter was shocked.

"But defrosting everyone is good right? biscuit" he said as we went through an emergency exit to the outside.

"There isn't the food production to support 8 billion people on the planet the machines turned huge areas into nature reserves. Many are on the moon or mars. There aren't enough domes to support them. We need to get the CPU back in charge to let us stage manage the return to pre-robot levels" I told him. I looked around "We need a way into the palace of the Continuity"

Hunter pointed at the truck and trailer hauling blood, I had used to arrive the first time.

"What about that biscuit?" he asked.

"I like that" I said. 

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