Chapter 15/The dance of yesterday's tears

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A/N Yes: We reached 10,000 reads. In celebration another early chapter. Video Capoeira as mentioned in the video in case you wondered what it was.  RK+Reb. 

Dock Area/Manhatten/City formally known as New York ( now City 19). 

Hunter was looking around nervously when I arrived about five minutes late.

"Waiting long?" I asked.

"Not long about five minutes," said Hunter. "It was the half hour standing around like a bats behind before that was worrying biscuit."

"Watch out that sounds like you almost care" I teased.

"I care about you the same way I would care about leaving a jar full of nitroglycerin lying around on the kitchen floor, biscuit." said Hunter "May I remind your that the robots are looking for us. Darkness."

"Give me that" I said taking the acoustic guitar case. 

"I can carry it biscuit," said Hunter. 

"But master" I said as a robot passed by then added "Co-labs don't carry things for them selves" I ended quietly. 

"Did you find the people you were looking for ? biscuit on my knee"

"No but  I think I've found something just as useful" I said.

"Where is Little Jenny? biscuit with a bad cat" said Hunter.

"She's with the useful contact," I said.

We turned and started walking the way I had came. "she's getting dance lessons" I said.

"Dance biscuit lessons? Really that takes the.. biscuit" said Hunter.

"It turns out that there is a secret form of dance called Kimjodo it's like Capoeira" I told Hunter as we walked along the back street. "People well robots,cyborgs come and watch slaves dance and by dance I mean fight."

"Secret dance?" said Hunter cautiously.

"Yeh, news flash- slaves aren't allowed to fight" I said turning a corner.

"You mean all that stuff about Rule 17 biscuit was true?" said Hunter

"That's right. But slaves can dance, and use pain induction. So there is underground form of noncontact fighting. Each person wears a pair of phase bracelets. Each dance move if done right transmits a pain bolt to your opponents, which they can block with the right blocking dance move. If they don't do the blocking move right, they get a punishment pain bolt and you score a hit. It's all done to music and you have to keep to the beat, if you don't your pain is low and your moves week. If you land enough blows the opponent can give up, or fall over."

"What happens if neither of you give up? biscuitness" said Hunter walking along trying to act natural. 

 "It carries on until one of you is taken off or the song ends and then it's up to who gets the most number of pain hits on the opponents. " I said.  Bret Fox had made it sound so simple, fun even.

"Well that sounds easy, darkness with a smile," said Hunter.

"Yeh, getting the moves right enough for the phase bracelets isn't easy." I said " They have to be done precisely, smoothly and elegantly."

"And yet they still let you do it. Have you figured out your dancing with pain darkness?" said Hunter.

"Apparently Kimjodo means dancing with tears," I said "We met this dance teacher called Bret. He was impressed with us. He wants to talk to our master, which means you, about paying you, to put us into a couple of low level dance contests. "

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