Chapter 32/FireFeet

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I reached Hunter and Little Jenny.

"I think I found my dad" I told them.

"Daddy is angry" said Little Jenny.

"No he's not, he was really over joyed to see me. We are going to go see him after the fight" I told them.

I walked to the stage and found Xaslishia coming along. It looked like she was recognising Hunter but Hunter didn't recognise her under all the slave make up. I put my finger to Xaslishia's mouth.

"Yeah It's Hunter. Yeh It's complicated. Just let me perform and I'll tell you all about it later" I said.

"OK" said Xaslishia.

I walked up to Bret. A technical robots grabbed my collar and mounted the emote sensors on it.

"It's Malthus' best man. FireFeet." said Bret. He looked out to see Malthus looking straight at him from the other side of the stage.

"Ladieeeesss and Gentelmennnnnnnn to my right the acknowledged as the most remarkable up and comer from no where. Destiny risesinggggggggg" said the announcer. The crowd applauded wildly. I went on and the crowd became louder than ever.

"To my right Three time runner up and champion of region one west, the unbeatable FIRE FEEEEEEEEET!"

We got up to the plate.

"Heard you were defective" said FireFeet as we got to the stage. "You going to fall down on this game as well jitter girl?"

FireFeet held his arms out and did an impression of me shaking. I guess this was how I looked when I had a fit.

"When I get free I'm going to buy that pixey girl of yours" he said looking at Little Jenny.

I wasn't sure what to say.

"You here to dance?" I asked. It did sound rather lame.

"Snapppy come back" said FireFeet. "You look up there? That's the high council come to watch. The deal is you loose and they make me free man."

expoe got to our positions and the track began. It was a long one. We began and I was as hot as a river of lava at him. It was hard for me to press down time. Even compressing time it was hard to push everything. I was so over whelmed, I kept thinking about what to say to Rockwood later rather than focus on what I was doing now. In the haze of my anger at him I kept missing chances and found my self unable to push a plan together. He was a very solid opponent, he didn't create chances for me to exploit.

FireFeet stood in the position I was about to stand in forcing me off my position and loosing rhythm. He kept hitting me with fluid power moves. This was making me more angry and less able to function.

"come on junk yard trash show me what you got" said Forefeet

"How about this" I said I had dropped back into real time to talk properly but then the beat started and I had to slow down time.

Fire-feet could take pain, a large amount of pain and not loose movement. I was so bitterly angry I couldn't think straight. Then he did a odd moment which took my left knee out. I feel to the ground and in the process a toe went out. Game over I had lost. I knew instantly why. It was my temper. He had goaded me into making a mistake. The audience who had plugged into me roared. They felt my pain, my anger, my confusion and it was leaking into the crowed.

"STOP" came a voice. It was everywhere. The cyborg's from a box above us came down.

A woman cyborg followed by group of more cyborg's approached.

"Kneel to the Continuity<zing>" my collar instructed me. I got down. A number of combat drones followed the cyborgs. I could hardly breeth. The voices in my head began to swell up, the robots were talking wildly.

"This is a runaway" said the woman as she approached. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. She and the other following began to synchronise their movements like soldiers.

"This girl is not under containment" they started to say as a group.

"Is this the one to?" said the group pointing at Hunter.

Robots scuttled forward a gun was put to Hunter's head.

"This one to" they said pointing at little Jenny.

"These are slaves who are falsely owned. Possibly stolen" said the group "they will be removed. The contest will be reinstated tomorrow."

The crowd seemed annoyed and with the growing arrival of military robots worried. Quickly crowd started to scuttle faster than cockroaches running from under a lifted rock. A Hunter killer wrapped a tentical round my neck. A temporary control collar put round on my neck and my hands were handcuffed. Hunter, Little Jenny even Zorhran Zorhran were captured.

"Your frame codes indicate you are the missing property of Island 7 under the authority of the continuty. You will all be tourtchered until compliant." they said.

A robot walked in front of me with Hunter struggling uselessly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said.


We were pushed into cages and taken to the huge pyramid of the palace of the Continuity. I watched as the sloping walls approached. The building look like it was painted was a crimson red, until I realised that the walls of the pyramid were made of glass. Within them the compute farms of the CPU worked running the New Mechanical order the red was the blood of the millions of humans it took to power the Continuity. The we were driven into an underground chamber. I knew what was coming next. I could see row after row of gantanimo machines. Large machine arms were putting people into an out of the torture machines.

The robots would do what they did to all slaves. They would put them into the guantanamo machines. We would all be individually be tortured, broken like a wild horse until we were compliant. I had heard about the machines from the slaves who had returned. They would punish you, in every way possible, stop you from sleeping, strap you down, they would keep going until you praised the robot overlords for being your masters. They could sense if you were lying and keep going until you genuinely meant it. Once you were their creature unswervingly loyal to them, once you would do anything they asked of you then you would be released.

I was pulled out and pushed kicking a screaming into a machine. I was strapped down immobilised with nothing more than a glowing screen to keep me company in this coffin like cylinder.

I lay there wondering when it would start. Nothing happened and eventually I fell asleep. After some hours I woke up in the dark. 

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