Chapter 31/Half girl, Half..

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A/N Picture Beyonce OK not the most convincing cyborg hand possible but we liked it anyway RK+Reb.

"I'm a cyborg?" I said

"A natural cyborg. As cyborg's we made our selves. You were born of a cyborg farther. My engineered DNA helped make you and then when you were in the womb your mother became a cyborg. The nan-nites in her blood would come into your blood. You've grown up with them, they are a part of you." explained Rockwood.

"I can't, I can't I can't be a cyborg I'm EP, I have epilepsy " I said.

"Epilepsy Really why? Maybe because you have strange dreams?" said Rockwood.

I nodded.

My heart was pumping like a steam train braking a record.

"Don't you see?" said Rockwood "That's part of your cyborg powers - you can connect to another machine or cyborg over the internet. You can inhabit them. You've been doing it randomly so far. I can show you how to control that and take control of things when you want to. Have you had a desire to drink blood?"

"NO!" I said.

"Good, it means you didn't grow any blood chips. Are you experiencing any other symptoms?"

"I think I can change time?" I said. When I said it aloud it sounded stupid.

"Your switching between human speeds of processing and machine speeds of processing. The machine world works at an incredible speed. When you slow time down that is you engaging the machine part of your mind."

"I've been hearing voices, I thought I was going mad" I said.

"I used to have that, your listening into the wifi. You have some kind of biological radio in your self."

"Honestly? A am I human" I said.

"You're a cyborg - you are a child of the human and machine worlds. Your part girl, part machine. Your the first of your kind. You don't even know what powers you could have. The Continuity killed you for what you could become."

"become?" I said.

"The cyborg's are part people part machine, the best of both worlds. By they began life like I did, as humans. You could be much more than either. You could look down on the cyborg's like a god. You could control the CPU single handedly, possibly more.. you could even fuse with the singularity" said Rockwood.

"What's the singularity?" I said.

"It's not important now - it's a project the Continuity has been working on. It's a quantum computer, when it's operational it will for fill Moore's law over night. The Continuity will be come practically infinitely smart. They can undo the use of the blood chips and humanity can be finally done away with."

The alarm I had set on my collar beeped. I had a match in few hours I had told Hunter I would be back.

"I'm sorry I've got to go, I've got a dance contest to win. That's my master. I'll see you later.." I said getting up.

"You can't go know I have a huge amount to tell you!!!" said Rockwood.

"Look, I'm sorry I've got to go. I'll come back and I'll come back with Little Jenny" I told him.

Rockwood grabbed me.

"Little Jenny? She's with you?" said Rockwood.

"All four feet of her." I promised "I'll bring her I just have a match"

"No!! Don't go. I've only had a chance to speak to you" said Rockwood.

"Don't Worry" I promised "I'm coming back. I'll be back within an hour or so" I was lying. I was freaked out by what I found.

"This is important! Little Jenny... shes..." Rockwood started, but I was desperate to get away. 

I know it seemed stupid, but I needed to process this. I felt like my mind was in a washing machine on a spin cycle. I needed space to laugh, cry and scream all at the same time. Rockwood had overloaded me with new ideas. I looked at my hands. Am I a machine? I bleed like everyone else, how could I not be real.? The guilt was to much, I knew Kimjodo would help me clear my head. I had to fight. I wouldn't let Bret down.

I guess I was running more in terror than anything else. On the island I was defective, on the main land I became a winner, now I was a monster. All I have heard my entire live was the terror of the Continuity. The cyborg's drank people's blood, they kept people as slaves, they had no feelings, no compassion and now I was one. He had said I hand't grown a blood chip yet. Was that inevitable ? Would I become like the sociopath col-lab bitches? I was in a twister of feelings. I wasn't sure if this was good news or bad. I had found my farther but now I wasn't sure who or what I was. I need to fight, I needed to hurt somone. 

The Cyborg's Daughter ( I'm close to 100K reads! Then Party)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin