Chapter 18/The demolition robot

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We were standing on the edge of the zone the deranged giant demolition robot regarded as it's territory. Terror being the operative word.

It struck me that this would be quite a good place for the resistance to kill someone or something. On the other hand,  this was the best clue I had had in a week and Iwasn't busy let it go. We got a bit closer and it was clear that the robot ferociously attacked anything within it's block. Eventually, we had gone round two sides and crawled up an old crane which have being left holding some girders and an old lamppost off the ground on a large steel chain. From there we could see i an old cafe called Horus. It had large glass windows one of which has been knocked in. There was light from within. There seems no way to do it apart from through the robot.

"Warning set my collar surveillance system is down you have 180 minutes to return to a functioning area or your collar will self-destruct<zing>" said my collar.

"Any ideas biscuit?" asked Hunter.

The plan had been simple. The area consisted of a large area from 1st Avenue to Avenue B. There was a bunch of abandoned girders and pipes being held up by a crane. The girders were held by a couple of ropes to stop them swinging in the wind. Step one cut all but one of the ropes. Step two pull on one rope to start the girders and lamppost swaying. Build up enough momentum and I could step out from the side of the crane tower to the girders. Step three wait until the girders reached the far side building where the cafe was and slide down the rope. Step four when I signal from the cafe Hunter lowers the girders to the ground. Machine is distracted and we get out of there.

Hunter was very impressive, with his strength we were able to get the girders swinging. I could see the robot watching them and I jumped from tower to the girders. I wasn't worried, I had hold of a rope which was attached to the anchor point. The tall crane made the swing feel very slow. I had walked to the middle of the girders and could feel myself getting lighter at the apex of the swing. Suddenly there was a clang and the anchor snapped or a chain snapped because suddenly most of the girders were falling on the floor. I slid down the drop and ended up on top of them. The robot suddenly excited by the presence of mess rushed forward to try and tidy it up. Time suddenly accelerated for me as I fell but I still made the mistake of running as soon as I reach the ground. This movement attracted the large robot attention like a cat to a mouse.

I tried to run to the cafe but soon the robot was between me and it. It was using a large two fingered two thumbed hydraulic hand to try to crush me. It felt like it was moving very slowly but I was still running in treacle. By careful planning I was able to avoid its blows. I had to be careful a lamppost was still swaying on the end of the crane. I could see Hunter trying to use the controls to lower the metal lamppost to rescue me. I suddenly had a plan. I continued to dodge the machines punches. One was so slow I was even able to cartwheel out away. While I did I picked up a piece of reinforcement bar. When the machine tried to swat me again I was able to lodge it in one of the open joints. When the robot closed its fists oil started leaking out.

The robot stopped to look at its malfunctioning finger.

"Yoh sucker" I shouted from behind.

The robot looked at me and clearly saw me as the primary threat to order. I froze while the machine moved to make its death kill. Suddenly a large lamppost jumped from the machines chest. I felt to the ground, the lamppost picked up the skewered machine   up by the crane and swung into the wall over me. The machine now a few metres from the ground was pinned to the wall over the cafe by the lamppost. We must have hit power source because the machine wilted into the form of a disused marionette.

I stood up and dusted  my hands off. It must have been the movie because I heard myself saying "Pick on someone your own size sucker!"

While Hunter got out of the crane I went to the cafe to find a man sitting there. I got the feeling the slaves were working at the cafe.

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