Chapter 12/Escape to New York

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The car drove itself north to New York and at first we sat doing nothing but catch breath. Then we began talking about how close that had been. After the burn of excitement ebbed to it's close. we sat back. Jenny pressed her nose against the window looking out on the world like a blur passing faster than I could ever believe.

"I like the way the things closer march so much faster than the things further away. All these things are so clever to organise themselves. Like nothing get's confused and goes the wrong way and spoils it" she told me.

Hunter and I smiled at each other. While Jenny amused herself waving at stuff. I watched the world go by.

"It's weird to see the world this way" said Hunter "it's like totally familiar and yet so alien. Its like the robots moved the same freeways to the moon" 

"You looked freaked out biscuit" said Hunter.

"The world going by, It's like watching a storm at see. Does that sound funny?" I said.

"I've heard worse biscuit" Hunter said smiling again looking at little Jenny

"You really should stop calling me biscuit? How about biscotti ? We go to the docks. see if anyone knew the Delta Seven."

"OK b.b.b. biscotti, what if we can't find anyone?

Watching the world go by reminded me of something.

"When I put the collar on it told me I had a message" I told Hunter.

"Why don't you listen to it biscotti, biscuit Dam." Hunter said. 

I laughed "ha, biscotti yeh you tried. You really don't have any control over it do you?"

Hunter shook his head. 

"No biscuit. did you try a password?" he said 

"It says it wants a password." I said. "I tried Emily but I didn't work."

Splats of rain hit the screen we seemed to be running through rain.

"Girls name seriously?" said Hunter. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Girls name It's seriously bad password. You want something you can keep secret.biscuit" I said. 

"Secret then - or password" I said.

Hunter looked amused.

"I can't believe the world is run by machines and you don't know how to get a good password..biscotti" said Hunter.

"I don't need a password. Anything locked, just checks my collar. Like with the car door and slaves aren't supposed to have secrets. Give me a password to try" I told him.

"Resistance biscuit, with out the biscuit,biscuit" said hunter.

I pressed my collar button and tried.

"It's says I have two tries left" I said.

Hunter pulled a face. "Let's leave it until we can think of something your mother might have used. What's the plan when we hit New York biscuit" he said.

"Go down to the docks see if anyone remembers the Delta seven. My dad said he went to a collar market in New York where he looked for chargers." I said.

"New York used to have lots of theatres." Hunter began "If they still have some that would be a good place to ask"

"Sounds good. We are bound to find them that way" said little Jenny.

"So we catch a show and after that we can go do a little shopping" said Hunter.

"Sounds fun. Except we don't have many bit coins left" I told him.

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