Chapter 34/Escape and the forgotten mission

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A/N Thursday - Another exciting day for the Cyborg's daughter. Not sure if anyone got the idea that the cyborg in question is Jenny, not Brooklyn as the title first suggests. Brownie points if you did. 

/Slave passages/CPU Data center/Washington 2.0|City 00/Region 01. 

I came to like walking out of a mist, a bottle of Rohypnol9 in one hand 

I unplugged myself from the charging station.

"This collar is password protected<zing>" my collar told me.

"collar password Destiny rising" I said confident of the password. When I spoke the collar muted me. It could hear what I said without speaking so keeping the password secret.

"Collar unlocked. one new message<zing>"

I played the message, while I hung the hammock out of the way.

"You must escape. get to Rockwood in the copper market. He will know what to do. Your best friend" said my voice.

Now I was in on this mysterious conspiracy. Still I trusted myself, probably not as much as I should. So I decided to go along with whatever I had decided to go along with.

It was late, I used my collar to navigate my way through the slave passages. The slave routes were hidden in the walls so the owners didn't have to see us moving around.

"Clean up slave required," said the house PRISM system through my collar.

I must have accidentally been the slave nearest to the Masters.

I walked out of the slave door grabbing a mopping up cloth. I saw two cyborgs speaking to each other on a balcony overlooking a large atrium. They had drinks in their hand and a spilt glass of wine on the floor.

"I must say" said one cyborg "that Lady Rockwood seemed in a remarkably good work mood today"

They ignored me as I got to my knees and began mopping up the drink from the marble floor.

"I know what it was." the second cyborg said "The Kimjodo Final was interrupted. You know she knows nothing but work and crying. She was probably quite pleased our lives had been made equally miserable. Still have you heard the good news they are going to run the finals again tomorrow?"

"Can we really engage in this kind of novelty given that the singularity is so close?" said the male cyborg. I remembered him from my dreams. I guess the dreams in my fits were my mother streaming one of the robot's eye views to me to help me. The robot's I felt were her guards were her jailers delivering her to work. The continuity had been quite smart, take the resistance leader make her part of the collective. They would know everything about the resistance and have the ultimate symbol of its failure. I finished cleaning up and went back quietly to the slave door.

Soon I was navigating the corridors down to the basement. Escape was impossible, but it was more the action of the slave collar which made it happen. Constant tracking of everyone may your disappearance noticeable. I reached a thick locked door marked 'Transport bay. Slaves forbidden'

"Reach into the door with your mind<zing>" came a notice from my collar.

I tried reaching and made a movement with my hand like I was unlocking with an invisible key. The door lifted and I saw a parking area full of autonomous vehicles. I climbed into the back of a truck. Soon the truck started up and moved out. It passed through the scanning machine. I got a mental picture of the screen and imagined removing my glowing body from it. The internal doors closed, the external doors opened and the truck drove off. We drove down the streets of Washington.

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