Chapter 17/The Cinema of death

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Bret had told Jenny and I to take a day to recover. Lilly and 88 were taking little Jenny out which gave me a chance for me to take Hunter to his first emoto-movie.

"Any ideas on that password biscuit?" asked Hunter as we walked along.

"If not my name, I'm pretty blank" I told him.

I was following my collar instructions to an Emoto-Movie theatre that 88 had suggested. The Emoto-Cinema at home had been housed in the town hall. It appeared once a month and attendance was mandatory. It felt rather good to be doing something so normal for once. We walked in and I bought the tickets with the money on my collar.

"What are we watching Darkness?" said Hunter.

"The attack of the mutant slave girl. Its a reboot of a reboot of a remake of a reboot of a remake of a reboot of a reboot of a sequel to a prequel of a classic which is about this evil Cyborg who brainwashes this slave girl into being a assassin of robots. In the end the slave girl is ordered to kill a robot who treated her correctly and she can't do it and the mutant slave girl ends up killing her self and her creator. It's a traditional story about what happens to people if they play with the natural order of things. The special effects are supposed to be pretty good. Everyone judges it on a scene where the mutant slave girl stabs a hunter killer and pins it to the wall. It's all ludicrous like a human girl no matter how well trained could kill a Hunter Killer. " I said while we walked down a hall of photographs to the entrance of the space.

We got to our seats.  Well, Hunter as an Eternal/Co-lab had a seat and I got a soft bit of floor like the other slaves kneeling in front of their masters. I helped Hunter get the headset on.

"This projects the appropriate emotions into your brain's rear cortex when the movie needs it. You will also feel things like wind on your face and get textures and tastes in your mouth." I told him quietly. "remember the emotions are completely fake. If you get confused try changing the gender button and you get to switch over weather boy or girl emotions the movie will play to you, it's quite funny. My sister Lilly used to watch movies from a male perspective all the time, thought it was hilarious"

"Do you get one biscuit?" asked Hunter.

"Oh yeah, I just plug in my slave collar. The slave's get different emotion tracks and they are beamed directly into my cortext by more primitive means through the emotion projectors on my collar. I've never watched a movie with an antique collar on before should be interesting."

We sat and watched the movie. It was quite impressive, the thing which really shocked me was when I saw my self on the movie screen. The mainland movie wasn't 'recorded' picture by picture but was rendered in real time. As we had walked in cameras had taken pictures of us and built up a 3D model. When the film was played back my face had been projected on to one of the slave girl's in the movie. Hunter's face had been projected on to one of the collaborators who hunted down the evil cyborg called Rokewood. You spent all the crowd scenes looking for yourself.

After the movie began I felt someone speak into my ear.

"If you value your life and the life of your master keep your eyes forward. Nod if you understand. " said the voice.

I nodded and looked up at Hunter without moving my head. The mutant slave girl in the film was doing some exotic jumping around and Hunter was fully occupied with the film. I felt the collar charging cable pulled out and another one pulled in.

"We don't have much time. I'm from the resistance. I'm speaking to you over a closed connection. No one can hear us and nothing is going to the house PRISM system. If you want to talk jus say 'collar say' and you will speak without anything coming out aloud. Do you understand?" said a voice practically in my head.

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