Chapter two - Meeting Claire

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"I'm leaving," Jayden said popping his head in.

"Okay, two things. One, knock before coming. Two, why are telling me? " I asked looking up from Instagram.

"Okay, and I don't know? Don't want to get a call from you asking where I'm at." He smirked.

I scoffed, "like you would even answer"

"Summer..." he sighed.

"I don't care, Jayden. Just leave." I said getting up from my bed to finish unpacking.

He sighed one more time before closing the door. After hearing the door slam I got up. I walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen knowing Jayden probably bought a lot of food, and sure enough he did. The cabinets were filled with food. I chose too cook Roman Noodles. By the time I was done with eating my noodles I was cuddled up on the couch and watching television, the door opened and Jayden and a girl walked in.

This must be his girlfriend I thought.

"Oh hey, Summer" Jayden said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hi" I mumbled still focused on the television.

He walked back out with a water bottle in his hand.

"This is Claire, my girlfriend. Claire this is my....roommate, Summer" He said with a pause.

"Hey" I said standing up from the couch.

"Hi, nice meeting you" She said with a big smile.

"Oh and I'm not his roommate" I smiled at her while collecting my blanket and I saw her smile drop, "I'm his friend. I saw your smile drop so I'm guessing you thought I would say girlfriend?" I asked and she blushed. I looked at Jayden and gave him a smirk, while he was looking at me with a unknown look. "I would never date him. But anyways! I will be in my room. Claire, nice meeting you. Maybe we can hang out sometime, okay?" I said.

"Yeah, okay" She said smiling to me then Jayden who smiles back.

This makes me sick I thought.

"Well, anyway. Bye" I said walking to my room.

This is going to be the longest four years of my life.


A couple of hours later it is now curfew, meaning it was 10:30 pm. I was about to get ready for bed when my door flew open and I screamed. Jayden walked in with a furious look.

"What the hell was that earlier today!" He yelled.

I've never seen him this mad before, or at least not in a long time.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I am so confused right now.

"When Claire was here?" He said.


"Ummmm......" I trailed off.

"Look, Summer. I know your mad-" I cut him off.

"No. I'm not mad, I am furious. You have no idea how much pain I was in when you never replied. You could have said you couldn't talk. That's all I needed, you didn't have to ignore me. So no, you don't know. Leave Jayden. I don't want to see or speak to you right now." I said looking down as tears threatened to come down.

"Sum-" He started.

"Leave!" I yelled looking at him as I pointed to the door.

"I'm sorry" was the last thing he said before he left closing the door behind him.

Once he left I ran to my bed and cried for what seemed like hours.

Yes I know. This is late, very late. But I told you if I didn't update on Saturday I would do it Sunday.

Last night I couldn't update because I was with family for the day them I spend the night with two of my friends and I didn't have my book to type down so I couldn't update and I'm so so so sorry!!

I promise this won't happen that much. I'll make it to where it doesn't happen at all but I mostly promise this is not happening often.

But anyway I hope you loved this chapter even though it might be shorter than I liked it to be. The next chapter will hopefully be longer than this one.

But anyways....



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