Chapter 12 - We belong together

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A little while after class started, I started to think of songs that Jacob and I could do. I barely paid attention in class because I was lost in my thoughts about music.

Me: Jacob!! I think I finally got the song that we should sing at the talent show!!

Sent @ 10:24 am

Jacass: Yah? What is it?

Received @ 10:27 am

Me: Him and I by Halsey ft. G-Eazy

Sent @ 10:29 am

Jacass: Never heard of it but I will search it up and start learning the lyrics and what it's like on the piano. When Is the talent show?

Received @ 10:31 am

Me: Um.. Like two weeks and four days away I believe. Why ?

Sent @ 10:32 am

Jacass: Great. Cause then I will have time to learn the song and cords.

Received @ 10:33 am

Me: Haha okay. I have class. I'm free after 2:25, can we work on it then? Will you have some of it practiced?

Sent @ 10: 36 am

Jacass: Yah, I should have some of it down. I've got classes at 4:40 so we will have some time to practice.

Received @ 10:40 am

Me: Okie dokie. See you in a couple of hours

Sent @ 10:43 am

Jacass: K. Later.

Received @ 10: 41 am

After that text I finally started paying attention in class.


Jayden's POV

"Did you get the song?" I ask as I peer over Jacobs shoulder to see Summer and his texts.

"Yes I did. Dude chill. Knowing you, you'll have this song learned within 48 hours" Jacob laughed, causing me to laugh along with him.

"You're right. I just don't wanna mess up the lyrics. This is supposed to be a surprise" I huffed running a hand through my already messed hair.

"You got this dude" He said clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"I know... but this is Summer we're talking about. God. I've messed up so many times with her, specially with this morning" I said rolling my eyes at how I was towards her.

"Jayden... Summer will come back to you. You guys are literally meant to be. Everyone can see it. Things get rough but you guys always go back to each other" Jacob spoke, leaving me speechless.

"Jacob.. I just have a bad feeling. You know? Like something bad is gonna happen" I sighed scratching my neck.

"I do too. But lets not worry about that. We can talk to the guys and see what they say, for now lets get this practiced and get you going." He slightly smiled.

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