Chapter 9 - Operation Jayden

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After talking with all the guys they finally agreed that it was a good idea and after that we watched a movie. After the movie they left, not before wishing me good luck and a 'Don't die tonight, we need a new cheer captain' at which I rolled my eyes at them.

I messaged Jayden and he said he would like to go, he asked if Claire could come along to which I said 'You always spend time with her, plus, I just want to spend time with you since I haven't in over a year' in his responce I got a chuckle and an 'okay'.

He still had class and he wouldn't be done with classes till around 6:45 and his class is all the over on the other side of campus so he won't get here till like 7:15 which gives me time to get ready and to make sure to hide the paint.

So starting to get ready I take a shower and when I get out I look at myself and look at my hair, its not bad blonde but I seriously need to go and get my hair back to its original color. I'll make sure to make an appointment next week. Now all I need is to wear something sleeveless so he actually believes that I'm cold and not just faking. I put on a red crop top that shows my stomach, I put on black leather jeans and I put on black ankle boots.

When I was done with everything I started to put my room together some more. I heard the faint door slam and I immediately knew Jayden was here.

Knock knock

"Come in!" I yelled.

He walked in and looked at me, giving me a smile.

"When does the movie start?" He asked officially stepping into my room.

"Um in about 30 minutes?" I said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get changed and we'll leave" he said.

"Okie dokie" I said smiling at him as he closed the door.

After like ten minutes Jayden walked out in black jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt and his leather jacket.

"Let's go. We're gonna take my motorcycle, is that okay?"

Oh shit.

"I mean isn't it a little cold outside?" I said trying to hide the panic in my voice.

"I guess you have a point" he said changing his keys.

Oh thank the lord.

"Okay let's go"

We walked outside the door making sure to lock it. As we walked to the store I just prayed to God that this plan worked.


"Holy cow it's cold" I said shivering.

It was actually a hella cold when we walked in with popcorn and two Dr. Peppers.

"Here. Wear my jacket." Jayden said taking it off.

"No, no Jayden. I'm fine" I said trying to not sound greedy for it.

"Summer, your freezing cold. Wear my jacket, it'll keep you warm" he said wrapping it around my arms.

I looked up at him and he looked at me. I licked my dry lips and his gaze followed down to my lips.

"Uhh...lets watch this movie" he said sitting down.

"Yah..." I said awkwardly as I sat down next to him.


We watched to movie and the tension of awkwardness got thinner and thinner.

Let's just hope he forgets his jacket.

"Well that movie was great" Jayden said as we walked out, throwing our trash away as we did.

We watched the new Harry Potter movie, it actually was really great.

"Yah, it was" I said agreeing with him.

As we walked outside I pulled Jayden's jacket closer to me since it was getting chilly. We might be in California, but when it's close to winter it gets chilly. I looked over at Jayden and saw that his hands were stuffed in his pocket.

"I can give you your jacket Jayden" I said starting to take it off.

"No no keep it on you, you'll be freezing. We're almost to the car anyways, so I'll be fine." He said shaking his head.

"Okay..." I said.

We got to the car and he opened it for me, causing me to look at him weirdly.

"Might be a bad boy, but you always have to be a gentlemen to a lady" he smiled a little.

I bit my lip and laughed a little.

I got inside and he shut the door, quickly running to the drivers seat, he got in and started his car. On our way back to campus we talked about the movie and our classes, even though we have like two together we still talked about them.

As we got to the door I started to realize I still had his jacket on and I remembered my plan, hoping that he forgot that it was on me.

"I'm tired, goodnight, and thank you for the movie, it was nice" Jayden said walking to his bedroom and soon closing it.

Well that was easy...

I walked into my room and locked it, just in case. I pulled out the washable paints and started getting on with my masterpiece. Putting lines, and splattering it as it made tiny dots.

When I was done I held it up and smiled at it.

Pay backs a bitch, Jay.

I smiled to myself and quietly put it in the bathroom so he could see it bright and early. I made sure to set my alarm earlier so I could get out before he woke up.

I smiled to myself as I rolled over to my side and fell asleep.


So I know you guys probably hate me since I was supposed post earlier than this but I am so so so sorry. Like I said I got writers block and couldn't think of anything.

But here you go, and happy thanks giving, yah it's late but oh whale.

I hope you guys stuffed your selves with delicious food like me. I went to like 3 different thanksgiving so it was pretty awesome.

But I know this is a short chapter but I will make it up to you, by next week sometime I will have another, but long, chapter ready for you guys. I will have no wifi so that's why it won't be until next week.

I hope you guys liked the chapter even though it's short, but until next time my babies!!

Love y'all so much and thanks for reading my books!!

-Ally :)

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