Chapter 18- Home Sweet Home

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Not even an hour later Jayden pulled into his drive way. I left almost a week ago and coming home makes me feel excited. Jayden cuts off the engine and I unbuckle, when I see that he isn't moving.

"Jayden?"I question looking at him confused, he just keeps staring at the house.

"I haven't talked to my mom in a year. I haven't seen her or lily, in a year. Because of my dad. What if they don't want me here?" He looked at me with so much emotion in his eyes.

"Hey, don't talk like that. Your mom loves you, she would love that you're here." I put my right hand up against his cheek.

He took my hand in his and leaned forward, kissing my forehead softly. "What would I do without you, my love?" He said pulling away and giving me a small smile.

"Probably not be here." I laughed and shrugged.

He smiled and roll his eyes at me. We both got out of the car and as I was waiting for a Jayden to meet me at the front when I looked over to my house, I saw that my dads car was there and my brothers car was there too, along with two other cars, probably the gangs.

Jayden grabbed my hand and we walked up to the front door, he opened it and when he did we were hit with the smell of chocolate. We walked hand in hand into the kitchen, we saw Carrie stirring some dough in a bowl and Lilly pouring in chocolate chips, sometimes sneaking some into her mouth.

"Now what have I told you about sneaking chocolate ships, Lil?" Jayden spoke.

Both of the jumped and looked at us.

"JJ!" Lilly yelled and running towards us.

Jayden let go of my hand and squatted down, picking up Lilly in his arms. Carrie looked like she was about to cry, she walked over and enveloped Jayden into a hug, then you heard sniffling. She started crying, I smiled and stood slightly to the side letting them have their moment.

"Hey mom, Lilly" Jayden said hugging them tightly.

"We've missed you. Where have you been?"  Carrie asked questions from left and right.

"It's a long story momma. I'm sorry I haven't visited sooner. I plan on making up for that." He said hugging her again.

Then Lilly looked over at me and shouted my name, gaining Carrie's attention.

"Oh hi dear" she let go of Jayden and have me a tight hug.

"Hi" I smiled at her hugging her back.

"Hey mom, we're gonna go get settled up in to my room. Is it still the same?" Jayden asked.

"Yes, of course" Carrie said smiling at us.

"Why don't you head up to my room, baby? I'll be up there in a bit" Jayden said grabbing my hand then squeezing it.

I smiled and nodded before turning around and headed up the stairs, slowly walking up them as I looked around, smiling at all the memories. I guess Carrie put more pictures up because there more pictures. I stopped when I saw a picture that I was in. I smiled when I remember that day. I didn't know Carrie took a picture. Carrie, Lily, Jayden and I all went to the park and Jayden decided to pick me up bridal style and start spinning in circles. One of my arms was wrapped around his neck and the other was out as I laughed.

I smile before walking back up the stairs, I walked to Jayden's room and when I opened the door I saw that it was the same as when he left and when I was last in here.

Jayden took my virginity in here

I suddenly blushed a deep red when I thought about it. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it, smiling and biting my lip.

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