Chapter 26 - Puppy love

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"You're okay!" Claire ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

I laughed and hugged her back.

"I am." I smiled at her once we pulled away from each other.

Jayden and I showed up at the campus Sunday night, a couple hours before curfew.

"How's your memory?" Claire gave me a sad look.

"Bits and pieces come but other than that nothing. I'm not really worried though, it's time to make new ones." I smiled, I looked over to where Jayden was and saw him with the guys.

They were all laughing about something. I guess Jayden felt my gaze on him cause he looked away from them and met my gaze, he gave me a small smile and I smiled back softly.

"You guys are literally the cutest." Claire said making me break eye contact with Jayden to look at her.

"We're not even together." I laughed.

I hated lying to her.

"You guys should be." She said.

Claire and I talked about other things till Jayden came over.

"I'd like to put our shit away. Plus, I wanna go get something to eat before curfew." He said looking at both of us.

I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded my head. Claire and I said our goodbye's and Jayden and I walked to our dorm room. Jayden unlocked the door and we both went to our rooms to put our stuff away.

"Ready, love?" Jayden asked walking into my room.

I turned around and smiled, "Yes I am."

We both walked out the dorm room and headed towards the doors that went outisde. Once we were outside we started walking towards his car and I groaned, "What ?" He laughed as he opened the door for me to get in.

"I'm tired of being in the car." I pouted when I got into the car and looked up at him.

"I know, baby. We're just going to get food and then we can go back inside and eat." He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the mouth.

Jayden closed my door and quickly got in on his side. He started up the car and it purred to life. He grabbed my hand and let our hands rest on my leg. The music was playing softly, when Him and I by G- Eazy and Halsey came on I turned it up more and Jayden's hand slightly squeezed mine.

"What would you like to eat?" Jayden asked once we were on the main road and fast food places and restaurants started popping up.

"I really don't care. But I know I want fast food. Can you pick from there?" I smiled as I looked at him.

His gray eyes lit up in the moonlight, his jawline looked ready to cut something, and even though his arm was softly resting on the steering wheel his veins are popping out and man, he's the most attractive man I have ever seen.

"What about Chick-fil-A ?" He asked looking at me real quick before looking back at the road.

"Mmm, that sounds really good." My mouth started watering as I thought about it.

Jayden laughed, "Chick-fil-A it is."

We went through the drive thru and ordered the same order, a chicken sandwich with medium fries and a medium lemonade, except I didn't have pickles on my sandwich. Jayden added more pickles on his and I slightly cringed. Don't get me wrong, I can eat pickles but it's not the same when pickles are on sandwhiches. We drove back to the dorms, enjoying the nice air that came through the rolled down windows and the music that was playing softly through the radio. The stars were out and you could smell the wet grass from outside.

Soon we pulled up into the dorms parkinglot , I grabbed the food and Jayden grabbed our drinks. The smell of the food made my stomach growl, if Jayden heard it there's no doubt he would make fun of me for being so hungry. Jayden unlocked the door to our dorm and I went and sat on the couch. I looked up at Jayden and he was standing in front of me, being silent.

"My bed." He said before turning around and walking into his room.

I sat on the couch for a second longer then laughed to myself about Jayden before getting up and walking into his room. He was already in basketball shorts and our drinks were on his nightstand. I sat the food on the bed then quickly walked to my room too change into track shorts and a tank top. I walked back into Jayden's room and he had all our food placed on the bed and the TV on, ready to watch a show. He opened his arms and I gladly crawled into them.

I sat on his left and we both ate our food while we watched Lost Girl on Netflix , show is pretty good not gonna lie. There's a character that's a wolf and his name is Dyson and let me tell you, he is a beautiful human being. Pretty sure if I said that out loud Jayden would get mad.

Pretty soon we had gotten done eating and were both laying down all cuddled up . Jayden was laying on his back with his left arm wrapped around my waist and I was on my stomach , my left arm and leg wrapped around his body , and the blankets covered us.

"I love you , so much , Summer." He whispered into my ear and gave my temple a kiss .

I hugged him closer to me , even though we were already close , "and I , you , Jayden."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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