Chapter 3- Getting with the Gang.

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It was two in the morning. I spent all night crying and I finally stoped. I walked out of my room quietly. I stepped to Jayden's door to hear quiet snores. I walked to the dorm room and walked into the hallway.

I was walking down the hallway when I heard voices, not in my head, but down the hallway. I turned on my feet and started walking away when I heard my name.

"Summer? Summer Styles?" A masculine voice said.

I turned around and saw The Famous Five. The Gang. Jayden's Gang.

"Aaron?" I questioned.

"Hey!!" He said and I jogged over to him and the guys.

When I got to them we all had a group hug. God I missed them.

"I missed you guys!" I laughed once they all let me go from the hug.

"Wow. You look amazing! Still got that killer cheerleader body" Aaron said winking at me causing me to laugh.

"Thanks, I plan on trying out for the Captain." I laughed. "Still got the Gang going?"

"Yup. Jayden said he had a rough night with his roommate so he couldn't hang out tonight with us at a party." He said while shrugging but when he said that my smile dropped. "You okay?" He said noticing my frown.

"I'm...his roommate" I said as my shoulders sagged.

Then there was silence. Something I don't want. That's how I spent my summer with out all of them. The first summer was fun because it was never quiet. We were always talking and making jokes. So it was never this quiet.

But Now? It was quiet. No one knew what to say and even if we did we didn't know if to say it. What was there to say? Nothing. I didn't like the silence. It reminded me of how I was being left in my room crying because of Jayden and the Gang. I refused to go out of my room. I barley ate and I didn't do cheer camp. I didn't like the silence so I'm thankful that after a couple of minutes Kevin decided to speak.

"What happened?" He said hesitantly.

"I met his girlfriend. Said things that I guess  got him angry. I told him what he put me through over the summer. Then he left." I said shorting it so I didn't have to say the whole story. I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling.

"Oh so you met Claire?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, she seems nice." I shrugged.

"Nice my ass. She's fucking crazy" Keaton responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

She seemed nice. She acted nicely. Hell, she was even too preppy for me and I'm a cheerleader.

"She's Nicole's older sister. We did some research on her and we found out she was Nicole's step sister." Aaron said.

"So? She's Nicole's sister? How is she crazy?" I laugehd a little.

"Well, let me refraise that. She isn't crazy, she's a whore. She's slept with all the guys we've asked. And we've asked a lot. When we were all hanging out with her, Jayden left for a minute and she started hitting on Aaron." Keaton said and as I looked at all of them the all nodded there heads.

"Wow." I said dumbfouned.

She seemed so innocent. But then again, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught. But she has been caught.

"Yeah, but enough about her. How is everything?" Aaron asked.

"Good, other than today" I mumbled.

Aaron was about pplto talk but got cut off by two other voices.

"Hey! You guys should be in your rooms!" A security guard yelled from down the hall.

"Come on! You guys can stay in my dorm room for a while!" I said then we all sprinted down the hallway. I quickly opened the rooms door and we all went in shutting the door behind us.

"That was close." Keaton breathed as he huffed.

"What the hell is going on?" A sleepy Jayden said angrily rubbing his eyes.

I looked at him and my breath hitched. He was there. Standing in nothing but his boxers. I looked away and backed up, forgetting Shawn was there. Immediately his hands went on my waist to steady me.

"You okay?" He asked with a small smile.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered.

He smiled before taking his hands off I looked at Jayden. He was already looking at me. When I looked at him he immediately looked away.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Well, Summer here," Aaron paused and Jayden looking at me before looking at Aaron, "came walking down the hall when we saw her. We had a little reunion. Talked about your lovely girlfriend. Almost got caught so Summer," he paused again while slinging his arm around me and pulling me closer to his side, "invited us to stay the night" When the hell did I say that?

"Shouldn't I get a say in this?" Jayden said looking at me and crossing his arms over his chest and I tried my best to not look.

"Why do you care?" I paused for a second. "Oh, wait. You don't" I snapped at him. "Goodnight Gang" I said and walked away. I walked with my my head down as I passed Jayden so I didn't have to look at him.

Jayden's hand grabbed my wrist making me stop so we were side by side.

"I care, Sum" he said, using my nickname he gave me when we were dating.

"If you cared, you would have answered" I hissed and took my arm from his grip, then started walking towards my room.

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