Chapter 6: Intoxicated truth?

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I got home to only my mum.

"Hey Hun, Layla said to meet her at Deon's"

"Thanks mum, Where's Monique?'"

"She said she's hanging out with a friend of hers" God knows that friend better not be no boy .I rolled my eyes and my mum laughed.

"How did it go with your dad?"

"I actually had fun, hopefully he stays around this time"

"Don't doubt him" My mum flashed me a weak smile.

"Mum ... What happened between you and dad that made him stop visiting?" I looked my mum in the eyes looking for the truth.

"Well we broke up when you were about 7 becuase he had his head more in the game than his family, then when we moved away he still came to visit ... After a while I told him we could get hurt if people find out about his family but he insisted on still coming, after a while he just stopped" she said looking past me rather than at me.

"Okay .. I just wanted to know" I smiled. "I'm going over to Deon's now"

"Be safe"

I went upstairs took a shower and changed into my white fitted tank top, my black jogging shorts, my black and red jordans then added my Obey beanie to my straightened hair.


I opened the door to Deon's house to see Jordyn standing there looking mighty fine. Her tank top hugged her shape so well making me not even notice I was staring.

"Ziggyyy" She snapped her fingers in my face. The way she said me name had me cheesing.

"Sorry, come in" I said laughing aside. "Their in the game room, down the hall and on the left" I directed her as we walked. I was walking closely behind her staring at her ass. Don't judge me. All of a sudded I felt her backhand me in the stomach.

"Stop staring, its creepy" She laughed as she turned left and entered the game room.

"Hey guys" She said stepping into the room. They all replied then Travie and Kevin turned back to playing Tekken 6."Ooo, I wanna play" Everyone turned and looked at her like she was crazy except Travie.

"I don't wanna have to beat your ass" Kevin laughed. She gave Travie this look and he handed her his controller and went to sit next to Layla laughing.

"Okay we'll see" She took the controller and they started a new game.

"Jordyn .. It's okay to quit while your ahead" Kevin and his dumbass trash talk. She just rolled her eyes. After 2 more round Jordyn won best of 3.

"Oh! Don't underestimate me niggah!" Everyone was laughing at Kevin's facial expression.

9 games later we were bored of seeing Kevin trying to beat Jordyn. My girl plays video games to. Yeah after tonight she's mine. The game rooms got a big ass tv so we decided to watch a movie.

"How about a scary movie?" Kevin suggested

"Ah hell naw, I hate scary movies" Jordyn protested.

"This coming from you .. Jordyn .. scared?" Travie laughed

"Shut up"

"I vote Mama" Deon smiled knowing it would scare Jordyn.

"Me too" Travie and Layla added.

"Urgh, fine but imma ruin it with all my screaming and dumb comments" Jordyn crossed her arms.

Deon and Kevin sat sprawled out on opposite couches. Layla and Travie sitting on the floor together and me and Jordyn sat on the same couch too far apart for my liking.

"You scared ma?" I whispered in her ear as I noticed her shifting in her seat.


"Come here"

"Why?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"Just come' I laughed. She got up to sit next to me but I pulled her onto my lap.


This boy is up to something. Making me uncomfortable by just looking at me. He looked at me and I started blushing so I looked away even though the room is dark.

"I see your blushing" I looked up at him and he was looking me up and down. When his eyes met mine he licked his lips. Nasty ass. But it was kinda sexy. When I finally noticed I was biting my lip i blushed looking down. Why am I so nervous? I couldn't take it I got up and made my way to the kitchen to get snacks I don't think anyone noticed .

I walked into the kitchen and got me a pack of M&M's out before I could turn around I felt a body press against mine from behind. Ziggy. He put his arms over mine making my hands go weak and I ended up dropping the M&M's on the counter.

"Why you running from me ma?" He whispered against my neck. It sent chills down my back.

"You following me?" I turned around as he gripped my waist against his. I think he noticed I was getting uncomfortable because he just smiled down at me. "What do you want?" I raised my eyebrow art him.

"You" He smiled down at me.

"Ziggy foreal?" I looked up at him and he was being serious.

"Jordyn .. " He was looking at my lips then back at me

"I swear y'all better not be making out in my kitchen! " Deon shouted. I laughed and backed away as the boys and Layla walked into the living room. The rest of the night was spent laughing at Kevin's jokes and chilling.

It was now Saturday and me and Layla were in my room getting ready. I had a feeling tonight was going to eventful.

"What you thinking about Jordan?" Layla questioned.

"Why Leslie is being nice to me" I shrugged. I looked at Layla who looked gorgeous wearing a black cap sleeeved crop top, cheetah print shorts and black vans. I was wearing an obey crop top, red ripped shorts and my bred 11's. It was a casual event to me, I only dress o impress people when its matters.

"You look nice" I added.

"I guess we will find out tonight and thanks you too" we took a few picture and went to find Mon. We found her fixing her hair in her room wearing ... hardly anything. She was wearing white booty shorts and a hot pink baduea with pink heels.

Oh gosh ....

After minutes of me and Layla trying to convince her to change it proved useless so me and Layla left, Monique said she was going to make her own way. When we arrived at the party was intense people we knew and didn't scattered around. A people watched us come in and mugged and Layla was taken away to the dance floor by Aaron a guy who liked her at school. Don't know that much about him. I scanned they room and noticed Leslie dancing all upon Ziggy who was enjoying it. haha. I smelt a familiar smell and turned to see Travie who was obviously wearing his usual polo perfume which smelt amazing.

"Wanna make him jealous?" Travis smirked at me, I laughed and led him to the dance floor walking past Ziggy and Leslie in the process. Rdx 'kotch' came through the speakers as I grinded on Traviee ... I did say we usually danced together. We noticed a few stares but I didn't expect to see Ziggy staring straight at us not to mention Leslie was mad as hell. Why she mad tho? I ignored them and we carried on for about two more songs.

"I think Ziggy mad"

"Why though not like he wasn't enjoying Leslie's dance"

"Is my JoJo jealous?" I gave him a straight face.

"You know me, not even" I smiled. "don't ever call me that" Before he could say anything a girl came up to us smiling down at Travis who was sitting next to me.

"Wanna dance?" she asked biting her lip at him. He looked at me not wanting to leave me alone but I told him to go.

I was looking for Layla when I was spotted Leslie spiking a drink and walkin off with it. Me being me I went to follow her ad was stopped by some Brando guy I didn't know.

"What's you fine ass doing all alone?" he asked smirking down at me, he was fine no lie but I didn't have time and his game is ... just terrible.

"Sorry no time" I tried to be polite and pass him but he gripped my wrist pulling me into the empty hall.

"let's just go somewhere private" he tried to kiss my neck but I kneened him in the balls. "bitch!" he shouted in pain I was ready to run and he was about to punch me when I he got dragged of me by .. Deon.

"Get your bitch ass of my cousin" my eyes grew wide as he sent punches to the guys' face and he ran off.

"Thanks, cousin?" I looked at him surprised.

"Yeah, look I was supposed to tell you" he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"We'll talk about this later but right now Leslie is up to something" I was walking towards the kitchen here I last saw Leslie while Demon was on my tail questioning me. I walked into the kitchen to see Ziggy with a drink in his hand leaning against a counter. His expression was unreadable.

"Ziggy, you okay?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"yeah I'm straight" he now looked pissed. I shook it off.

"Who gave out that drink?" I asked.

"Leslie, why does" he couldn't even look at me straight and was using the counter as support.

"I saw her spike it, don't drink that" I said sounding more worried than anything.

"Argh, Jordyn leave her" I looked at him like he was deaf. he took another sip. "Stop being jealous of Leslie and just .." he grew angry then stopped but t was too late.

"and just what?" I shouted back he was silent and looked past me.

"Just fuck off!" he was angry again, he held his head and looked me in the eyes. "no, no, I didn't-" I didn't et him finish.

"No! shut the fuck up you egotistical jackass!" I walked out fuming. I walked straight passed Deon and Travis who were standing by the door. they shouted after me but I kept going, walking down the hall I saw people having sex I did a double take and stepped back to see Kevin, I forgot about his stupid bet with Deon , looked like he was about to win. Shit .. I realized the girl was ... Monique. I just started running out of this place, I got to the front where my car was parked and waited for Layla who I texted earlier. I noticed Ziggy approaching me and was bout to walk into the car when I noticed how fucked up he was, them he passed out. Oh my, no! I ran to him but couldn't carry him.

"You guys' can't just leave him, look at him!" We were at Ziggy's house and it was me, Layla, Deon and Travie. Kevin was nowhere to be found.

"Jordan's right he's fucked up" she looked at Ziggy who's eyes were bloodshot red, with eye bags and he could hardly walk. After an hour Ziggy fell asleep and me and Layla were the last to leave.

"Jordyn wait!" Ziggy croaked from his bed as I was about to leave.

"what?" I was still pissed I just helped him out.

"I think your beautiful"

Where did that come from.


Sorry it took so long.

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Shout out to @ashleyhamilton14 for being awesome and commenting and reading I really appreciate it and love reading your comments. Thanks girl!



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