Chapter 7: Sunday Dinner

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I woke up and realised it was 5pm, damn I slept well, yesterday got me tired as fuck. I hopped in the shower and did my hygiene thing and changed into a pair of light wash ripped skinny jeans and a white vest top with white converses, it suddenly hit me that I was supposed to be out getting ice cream with the girls. I checked my phone and realised I had a few missed calls most from Layla. I called her back to see if we were still on because I'm feeling for some ice cream.

"Oh so you finally got your lazy ass up" Layla joked. "Everyone been tryna get a hold of you"

"Sorry boo, I was soo tired. We still going to get ice cream"

"Yeah, why not? Meet us there in 10"

"Hi Jordyn!" Ashanti, a cool ass chick from our school exclaimed through te phone.

"Hey, hey hey!" I laughed. "See y'all there, peace" I said as I hung up the phone.

I grabbed my light blue 'Reckless' beanie and wore it as I walked into Monique's room ad found it empty, in fact she hadn't been here since last night I noticed her bed the same way she left it and her makeup scattered around her vanity mirror as she left it yesterday. I really couldn't be bothered with her right now I just left to meet the girls at Creams (we have this in London so imma put it in the story cuz their ice cream us killer!).

I walked into creams and noticed the girls at the back talking, I sat down and greeted them.

"Finally" Layla laughed.

"Sorry, I think I went into hibernation" I laughed along with Ashanti. "So what I miss?"

"Deena's blog has been popping off with updates from last night" Ashanti explained. "And I quote 'Leslie's party never failed to deliver entertainment, madness and of course drama. Besides the tacky decorations and cheap drinks the dance floor was livened by best friends Jordyn and Travis, shoutout to the pair" Ashanti read out and turned the screen to me showing me the image of me and Travie. All I could do was laugh, everyone literally do things for Deena to blog about and here I am, happy if anything.

After we ordered the waitress came to our table setting down Ashanti and Layla's Oreo ice cream sundaes and my Ferrero Rocher ice cream sundae, I looked up and noticed Ziggy, Deon, Kevin, Travis and two other guys walking in and taking the booth in front on the left hand side.

"She's always somewhere else whenever he walks into the room" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Layla's teasing.

"What? shut up, I don't" I defended finally catching up.

"Aw, Ziggy and you are cute anyways" Ashanti added.

"Whatever" I laughed not believing them. we carried on conversations for another 20mins and by that time the 2 others that came with Ziggy, Deon, Kevin and Travis had left.

"Jordyn, Deon's your cousin right?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked suspicious.

"No reason" she smiled looking at him once again, I just laughed and thought to my self while finishing my sundae, I looked up to see Ziggy staring at me, I just looked away and continued the conversation with the girls.

"So what happened last night, I missed it" Ashanti frowned.

"Jordyn" Layla said suggesting I tell her about Ziggy.

"Ohh, you'll like this one .. so I saw Leslie spike a drink which she later gave to Ziggy, he was so high he ended up swearing at me and basically told me to leave him" I continued till the end of Saturday night even going back to include seeing Kevin and Monique.

"Wow, well you said he was high so he probably doesn't remember" Layla suggested. "he didn't mean that shit either"

"I wouldn't be so sure" I said doubtfully

"He told me" I looked up at Layla. "Well actually he's been asking what he said but no ones telling him." I laughed.

"Yeah, don't tell him" I told her. Ashanti was just laughing at my idea.

"Mind games, I like it" She laughed.

"Not mind games more don't fuck with Jordyn lessons" I shrugged. I noticed Deon, Travie, Ziggy and Kevin look our way as they left and we waved bye.

Ashanti had left and I was walking towards my car to meet up Layla so we could drive back home.

"So your ignoring me" I turned around to see Ziggy leaning against his car.

"No" I smiled.

"Jordyn, don't bullshit me"


No one wants to tell me what I did last night, or what went down, now I ask Jordyn and she's bullshitting me.

"You got drunk and passed out" she folded her arms expecting me to believe that. before anything else could be said she walked away. I know she's playing me she's not one to take shit too seriously.


We walked into Jordyns house and I was automatically enticed by the smell of grilled chicken, tapas, paella and loads more sexy smelling foods.

"Oh god, I think I'm in heaven" I walked into the kitchen as Jordyn ad her mum laughed at me.

"What's going on?" Jordyn asked, surprised by the amounts of food just like I was.

"Family Sunday dinner with your dad's side" Mama J said. "so that's your dad, Deon, Your uncle Josh and his wife, your aunt Tasha." she said taking the tray of chicken out of the oven.

"Mum don't you think .." Jordyn started.

"Yeah, I over did it, didn't I" Mama J laughed. We just laughed at her taking some spring rolls and going upstairs to change.

We walked down to see the room filled with family members now looking our way. Jordyn was wearing a plain black midi dress and I was wearing a fitted army print dress. After making small talk with Jordyn's family and ate dinner constantly laughing at Jordyn's dad we were all sat in the living room chilling.


My family is so weird but I love it. it's kinda weird to call them my family considering that growing up my mum, dad and Travie was really all I called family.

"Nice to have someone my age in this family finally" Deon announced to me while attacking yet another slice of pizza.

"Yeah, but didn't you know Monique before you knew me?" I asked.

"We never really talked" he shrugged, I just nodded.

"Look" Deon nudged me to look up, I noticed my parents practically all over each other and flirting, it brought a smile to my face knowing they at least didn't hate each other but maybe now they are getting along very well.

Suddenly the front door slammed shut and a worn out, high and messed up looking Monique walked into the living room still wearing the same thing from last night but with a big grey jumper hiding the little bit of dignity she had left. Once everyone looked her way she clenched the jumper tighter to her body and moved her hair away from her face. Her once flawless face was now filled with regret.

What has she gotten herself into this time?
Pic of Jordyn has been changed, go back to the first chapter to see it.

Image of Kevin in MM(on the side)

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