Chapter 17: Flight to Miami

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I woke up and looked down to see Jordyn sound asleep on my chest and her legs intertwined with mines while she wore one of my shirts. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 10am and my flight was for 4pm. I laid in bed awake for a while enjoying Jordyn's embrace while flicking through my phone.

Unknown: Hope you enjoy Miami, while I enjoy catching up your girlfriend on the couple of years she didn't know you. I hope we get very close! - Chanel xo

Fuck! Why Chanel trying to play games with me now, anything J needs to know about me she already knows I don't need Chanel telling J shit I can't explain while in Miami.

Ziggy: Don't fucking play games with me Chanel, lose my number.

Chanel: Now what fun would that be? besides why you worried if you ain't got anything to hide, I'm sure your pretty little girlfriend knows all. - Chanel xo

After that text I just left it, I ain't got time for this bullshit.

"You okay?" J's voice took my attention as moved around looking up at me.

"Well I am now" I smirked putting my phone back down and admiring my girlfriend.

"What?" she laughed nervously burying her head in my chest.

"Nothing" I laughed holding her. "Just deciding what imma do with time in Miami if I ain't visiting my bro or fucking wiring money and shit" I took last night to explain to J why I was going Miami and about my brother Shak.

"Mm, well you better use that free time to behave" she smiled faintly looking up at me but something told me she wasn't joking.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I questioned sitting up.

"Nothing, I was just joking" Jordyn tried to explain turning on her back. But something told me that wasn't true.

"No you weren't" I stated waiting for a real answer.

"It's just me .. I didn't mean it like that" she said sitting up."You know that right?" she moved towards me placing her hands on the sides of my face.

"Mm, I'm just gonna take a shower" I dismissed the subject and took her hands away from my face before walking off.


Kelsie_xo: Hi Deena so there's this boy that I really like and we've been hanging and stuff, but I don't know if I should tell him since he ain't making it clear if he likes me! help please!!

I stared at the post that one of my followers had posted on my tumblr blog, and was completely lost for words. I couldn't sleep last night after the whole me, Killian and Kevin thing so was up on my blog all night.

After being fed up about constantly replaying yesterday, I decided to just swing by Kevin's and talk or whatever.

After taking a shower and getting ready and shit, it was already 10:37am. Kevin's lazy ass most probably won't be up by then but who cares.

As I left and got in the car, I dialled Travie's trifflin ass we need to talk ASAP.

"Travie" I called into the phone.

"Shit Deena why you up so early?!" he deeply groaned.

"I need to talk to you, I've noticed something and need to know if you've noticed it or if I'm just being delusional" I explained, as I drove to Kevin's.

"Brah your talking bout Deon's girl aren't you" he correctly guessed now sounding more lively.

"Her exactly! And of course you noticed!"

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