2. Secrets

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"Can you believe that guy!?" Danesha asked Vanessa as they left the cinema and entered the high rise carpark, a man approached Danesha while she was in the line getting a popcorn for her roommate and disgustingly started a conversation about what he wanted to do to her, Danesha had always had a temper and this guy clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into, in the blink of an eye Danesha had dunked her grape soda on his head collected her popcorn and stormed off, Vanessa went to the ladies room and came back and found a man there with his white polo shirt and khaki pants covered in purple soda.

"Have you seen my friend?" Vanessa asked looking at the clerk,

She simply laughed and pointed in the direction of the main exit. When Vanessa got outside she found Danesha pacing up and down. Danesha was much shorter than Vanessa 5'4 she had larger breasts which got her a lot of unwanted attention. Danesha wasn't in as much shape as Vanessa she had a tight core also but her legs were much thicker because she was short, she always stood out, those thick legs and her hazel eyes always seem to grasp men's attention which the 24-year-old hated and her hair was shoulder length which hugged hair beautiful face. When she saw Vanessa she quickly replayed the events for her and they walked to the car with Danesha ranting about how all men are low lifes and only want women for sexual favours, she had a strong view on men since her father was sent to prison for rape Vanessa said nothing, she just listened that's all she could do when Danesha got like this, Vanessa didn't dear say a word about Derek that would start a whole new men discussion. Like most of Vanessa's family, Danesha hated Derek and wanted Vanessa to have nothing to do with him. After a good 25 minutes Danesha was back to normal, finally, Vanessa thought as they pulled up to the intersection before getting to her apartment and a buzz came from her phone, they both looked down and on the screen

Derek: Hey what's up?

Vanessa's and Danesha's eyes met, all Vanessa could see was complete betrayal, Danesha sped off as soon as the lights turned green. Vanessa's apartment building was 15 minutes away but they got there in less than 10 minutes. They sat in the car silently, Danesha stared out the window. 

I should say something Vanessa thought but while she was trying to get her words together before she could say anything Danesha asked: "How could you?" Looking at Vanessa full in the face "I-" She wasn't sure how to answer the question but Danesha stopped her,

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long have you been talking to him?" Danesha asked more forcefully,

"Today I saw him in the supermarket, we exchanged numbers"

"Get out!" Danesha was screaming now as she pushed Vanessa out the car door. Vanessa stood on the curb as she watched Danesha's car disappear in the moonlight.

2 weeks had passed since that night when Danesha threw Vanessa out of her car, Vanessa messaged her every day hoping for some kind of response but each time none. She must have said sorry a billion times even though she wasn't sure what she was to be sorry about, was it that she had been speaking to him, was it that she didn't tell her she didn't even understand what happened that night.


"Are you okay Nurse Nichols?" a deep husky voice from behind her asked she knew who it was without looking, Dr. Matthew Rodriguez. Dr. Rodriguez was the youngest male doctor in town,30, always had his office full of young ladies who claim to be 'sick' but who could blame them the man was gorgeous for 30 he still looked like a baby, his tall slim build with broad shoulders the voice which could make any woman drool. He was of Hispanic descent and took over the office after his father died. Vanessa was out of it today and the past 2 weeks and it was worrying him. Vanessa looked behind her forcing a smile

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