18. I Messed Up...Slightly

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Catherine and Hannah were about to land in Berkham, the first time in many years for Catherine, they both had to do a lot of work just to get their vacation dates changed.

Flashback 3 days ago

"Aww come on Marcelle I work really hard and I know I had my vacation planned for February but I didn't plan for dear old granny to die" Catherine sobbed while she lied through her teeth, before she and Hannah left home they both decided that their grandmother died and it was urgent to leave.
Marcelle, Catherine's fifty year old boss, with streaks of grey in her hair, watched as Catherine performed so beautifully,
"Oh I'm so sorry darling" Marcelle said walking around her desk to embrace Catherine, Catherine was about 2 seconds away from grinning but she had to keep the waterworks going "You take as much time as you need honey" Catherine felt the guilt creeping into her heart, technically she wasn't lying her grandmother did die, just about 8 years ago.
"Thank you so much I'll be back in 2 weeks"
"You take your time" Marcelle consoled patting the redhead on the back "No need to rush" one last hug and Catherine was bolting to the front desk to call Hannah to see how it went with her and boss, Hannah's cell rang 4 times before she could hear the sorrowful voice of Hannah on the other side "Excuse me sir, I must tell my mother the bad news" as she spoke to her boss
"Oh ma, I'm sorry I can't come to Nana's funeral, I'm so sad I didn't get to see her before she passed" she paused as if she was listening to a reply and Catherine sniggered on the other end "Yes ma I know she loved me dearly but I can't come" she paused and Catherine couldn't help but play along "O my love, I'm sure mother would have loved to take you to your favourite spot" Hannah replied barely holding in her laughter, Catherine finally continued "Yes I know but I have to go my boss is about to tell me no, I love you" and she hung up.
A few minutes later Hannah called back, and from the echoing sound Catherine knew she was in the bathroom,
"Hey Kitty Cat, thanks for calling; perfect timing" she whispered making sure no one were in the stalls, and then went into the last one,
"I was just calling to see if you got through"
"Good thing you did that old fart was about to say no" she said between laughs, as soon as her words left her mouth she heard the stall door of the stall next to her open, without a word she hang up,
"Oh shit!" Catherine said knowing that wouldn't be good if the wrong person heard that.


Present day

If someone had told Catherine she would be on a plane to Berkham, after all these years she would have laughed in their face, but there she was watching a sleeping Hannah next to her. There was a little scare earlier this week when she was talking to her in her office's bathroom she thought it would be the other doctor but luckily for her it was just a patient.
"Babe" she said caressing Hannah's inner thigh,
"Mhmmm" she made a throated groan
"Time to get up we're about to land"
Hannah snuggled back into her seat ignoring Catherine, Catherine eased her hand closer to Hannah's centre, and before she could touch the sleepy girl flicked her hand away sitting upright in her seat.
They collected their bags, got a taxi and was on their way to the beach house which they were staying at, it had a pool, two large furnished master bedrooms, two his and hers bathrooms well in their case hers and hers, a deck with a jacuzzi, a kitchen and a path way which lead to the beach below. The place was designed for two couples and Catherine and Hannah knew exactly who the other couple would be.


Vanessa was home in bed getting a quick nap, it was around noon and she was waiting until three for the 4th day of the convention to be over, they spoke everyday since he left she missed him so much all she could think about was hearing his voice.
She had called most of the persons that were invited to the party, and to apologize, she had started planning an actual dinner for Derek on Sunday when he returned. They would go to dinner, maybe dancing after and just enjoy each other's presence since this would be the longest they spent apart since they were together. Vanessa missed him so much as she looked at a picture of them at his parents' house in the gazebo on her phone, that smile warmed her heart just enough to make it to three o' clock.
As she started to drift off, and that picture being her last sight as her eyes closed, her phone vibrated bringing her back to life,
"Hi Nessa, it's Catherine" Shit  Vanessa thought she didn't call her back,
"Hiiii..." she said with her voice shaky,
"Guess who's in town" Catherine said jovially, 
"I hope it's not you"
"What do you mean?" Catherine pleasant mood disappearing,
"Ummmm I didn't call you back I forgot, but Derek had a work convention out of town and won't be back until the 9th"
Vanessa waited for the screams of vexation but all her ears were greeted with was laughter and dial tone quickly after. Her phone rang again, and when she answered she could hear a pissed of Cat in the background cursing,
"Uh hello?"
"Hii this is Hannah, what happened?"
"Well as you-" Vanessa started
"CAT SHUT TO FUCK UP I'M TALKING TO NESSA!" she screamed at Catherine with her mouth a bit too close to the phone "Sorry about that you were saying?"
"As you know it was a surprise party, he just came home and sprang his trip on me, trust me I was pissed too but what was I to say, "Babe you can't go cause I been working ma ass off to plan a party for you?" she sighed before continuing "he came home like he won the lottery",
"Well that makes sense but we worked really hard to get our vacation changed, it's kay trust me a certain someone needed to come home" they both laughed as Catherine simmered down,
"How about you message me and OH! I almost forgot you and Derek are invited to our beach house no questions asked since you didn't tell us about the cancellation"
Vanessa took the number down,
"Don't worry about Cat she just needs her puss- I mean a hug, we gotta stick together we got the crazy Warren children" Hannah said
"I heard that, and you can say I need my pussy ate I don't think she would mind" An annoyed Catherine said, Vanessa cringed slightly as she could tell Cat wouldn't let her live this down,
"Well duty calls later" and with that Hannah was off to 'eat Cat's pussy' Vanessa sniggered at her joke and rolled over to catch some Zzzs he before called.

A/N: This chapter is dedicated Girade_annel for naming Catherine's boss Marcelle, thank you :).

Thanks for reading guys :)

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