3. Long Awaited Fun

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It was 6:58 and Vanessa had snuggled up in front of the TV next to the phone with her dinner some leftover Chicken Alfredo she put on some music on and waited for the call.

Another noise filled the room the phone ringing she looked at the clock on her living room wall 7 on the dot she answered on the third ring couldn't make it seem like she was waiting

"Hello good night" she answer in a normal tone pretending she didn't know who was calling,

"Good night, can I please speak to Vanessa?"

"Hi, it's me"

"Oo sorry you sounded a bit old there for a second" they both laughed but Vanessa wondered Old? What does he mean by that?

The phone call was a pleasant one they talked for a few hours about almost everything, music, love, friends, and family. Around 11 Matthew suggested they watched 'Avengers' which he was dying to watch, they synchronized the movie timers and watched. The rest of the movie was very exciting and the HD quality just amplified it. The movie finished around 1 and he took the opportunity of her excitement after the movie to ask her about the party,

"Can you please come Sunday? The whole office including some others"

"I don't really think I'm welcomed"

"Please, it's been 3 months and I've been trying to get to know you and I know I haven't been doing a good job, it's just that I get nervous with relationships and-" He stopped himself realizing he said too much,

"Oh, so this here is a relationship?" She purred,

"No, I didn't mean"

"It's fine" trying to sound comforting

"So you'll come?"


"Sunday night, at 8 my place I'll send you the directions well I guess this is goodnight well no, good morning Vanessa"

"Good morning Matthew"

Vanessa hung up with the largest smile on her face and slept like a baby.


Saturday had come and Vanessa was stressing about her dinner date, what should she wear, where were they going, at this moment she really needed Danesha but she still wasn't speaking to her, how is she going to do this on her own she thought, come on Vanessa you can do this it's just a date, a date with the man you were in love with years ago a simple calm date.

Around 3 Vanessa started to get ready so early for a date at 7 but she needed time to get an outfit together Vanessa had a small walk-in closet which was extensively packed which was odd because she never went out, from gowns to the leather rider pants. Her aunt Rita was a seamstress and made Vanessa virtually anything she wanted.

Vanessa slid her sweatpants off releasing her bottom from the restraints and took off her bra, her breasts jiggled as squeezed in a close-fitting long purple halter dress it had a split which came up mid-thigh and with a diamond-shaped opening between her breasts with silver sequins around the diamond and the halter straps. Vanessa looked incredible her breasts were very prominent in this dress and the opening showing off her cleavage. She surveyed herself in the mirror

"Hmmm I think I should go elegantly casual, this is too much" she quickly peeled the dress off and was searching through her closet murmuring "elegantly casual" to herself. Clothes were being tossed all over the room until she finally found it the perfect outfit.


Vanessa had showered and was beginning to get ready her wet body was barely visible in the steam-filled mirror the water ran down her legs as she dried her skin she stopped when she got to her centre, her low nails dragged across her clit she felt a deep urge to continue but this wasn't the time she had 1 hour left, she always lost track of time when she showered. She curled her hair but she didn't want it down, that always made her look older she swept it to the side did with the curls dropping to the side, she did a more natural look with her makeup young and vibrant using light colors which made her light brown eyes to be more noticeable. She had to hurry, time was running out on her.

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