28. It's Your Fault Vanessa

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Peggy was rushing out to Dr. Peterson's house, in the morning dew, it was Tuesday morning and he hadn't come to work yesterday, she only took so long to come check on him because yesterday was really busy. He never went so long without calling her, she knew something happened last weekend but he wasn't ready to talk to her yet. Peggy noticed he hadn't been on a date recently so she figured it involved Danesha.
She pulled into his drive way, his car was there so he had to be there, she banged on the door hasitly but no answer, she looked for his spare key, she had one incase of emergencies.
"Stephan?, Doc you here?" she sounded her voice before entering, broken glass crackled beneath her feet, a picture of him and his father was smashed on the floor, with blood stains on the carpet, she followed them quickly thinking Stephan was seriously injured
"OMG DOC!" she rushed to his side shaking his body frantically with blood surrounding him, she grabbed her phone from her back pocket
"9-1-1 What is your emergency?"
"I need an ambulance now!" 


Vanessa was sleeping sweetly when she felt a rise in temperature, she rolled onto Derek's chest, they were still on the beach. The quartet fell asleep on the beach, right after 4 bottles of vodka, Vanessa's head was pounding but she didn't care, she was on the beach with her man, and her newest friends, at a beach house. Everything was perfect, Catherine was up also,
"Hey you" Vanessa looked to her right to see the red head rubbing the sleep from her eyes,
"When did this happen?"
"I have no damn idea I think you were out first but hey who gives a shit right?" Catherine said, Vanessa laughed quietly trying not to wake up the others. "I knew what you two were doing"
"Excuse me?????" Vanessa was caught once again,
"Hey don't act all innocent, I know that look on Derek's face, caught you two having sex once and that look was the look"
Vanessa was blushing, hard, her face was on fire and her body was cold, she was speechless, Catherine laughed and a tear rolled out of the corner of her eye,
"Aww damn I'm sorry our little secret yes?"
Vanessa had no words she just nodded,
"What's your little secret?" Hannah asked and they both turned their attention to their significant others looking confused,
"Well it wouldn't be a secret if we told" Catherine said sticking her tongue out at them and then hugging Hannah
"She's right" Vanessa finally spoke,
"Whatever" Derek shrugged grabbing their stuff "We should head back to the house"
They went back to the house showered up, took some 'Advil' for the headaches and were looking for food,
"Has anyone seen my phone!" Vanessa shouted through the home, Catherine shouted back "NO! But Derek's is in the kitchen!" then a pause "I think!", Vanessa rolled her eyes and was on her way looking for both their phones.
Vanessa found Derek's with 4 missed calls on the couch, but she still couldn't find hers, she started to think back the last place she was. She was in the car before she was on the beach, she chipped out to the car to find her phone in her seat, probably dropped out of my pocket she thought, 28 missed calls; all from Danesha.
She was about to call her back when her phone began ringing,
"Where the fuck are you??? I've been calling you for hours"
"Hold up what's wrong?"
"Stephan, h-he, he was attacked!"
"What??? So what does this hav-"
"Get yo ass to the hospital now and you'll find out"
And Danesha hung up without another word, Vanessa ran back inside called the others and they headed out to find out what this had to do with Nessa.


The four of them rushed into the hospital, getting the information from Danesha about where Stephan was located. Danesha was on the outside in a chair sitting when they barrelled down the hall.
"Jesus I didn't say bring everyone" Danesha laughed slightly
"Where is he??" Vanessa asked, Danesha pointed to the room across the hall, "Have you seen him?"
"No not yet I was waiting for you to come with me" Danesha blushed, eventhough they weren't the best of friends still, Vanessa was her main support. Vanessa smiled down at her, she looked back at the others "Wait here".
Vanessa and Danesha entered the room to find a mature man standing by Stephan, he looked up and smiled at Danesha
"Lil Miss" he said with outstreched arms, he embraced her
"Hi Big Poppa "
Vanessa stood confused, but after taking in the man's appearance, he was Stephan's father, after their hug Danesha turned to Vanessa,
"Big Poppa this is my best-" Danesha paused thinking about her usual introduction for Vanessa, "Ahhh more friends come here" and he hugged Vanessa also,
"How is he?" Danesha asked interrupting them,
"He's in and out but the doctors say for someone who lost so much blood, they are suprised he's alive" Danesha gasped covering her mouth, staring at her love lying there in the hospital bed connected to tubes and wires.
"I'm not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with me" Vanessa asked trying to get to the bottom of it,
"This" Danesha pulled out her phone and scrolled through, "Peggy took this before she left his house" she handed Nessa her phone it was a picture of a note stuck to Stephan's counter, with the words 'It's your fault Vanessa' written on it, Vanessa heart plummeted, as she looke up with horror,
"My fault?, but"
"Who did you piss off and why would they go after Stephan"
And in that moment Vanessa was lost, she caused this she caused Stephan to be in this bed grasping at his life.
As her thoughts swarmed, they all heard a groan, it was Stephan, he was coming to again. Danesha rushed to his side,
"Baby it's me"
Stephan looked at her and his brow pinched, "Wha" he started,
"What baby I can't hear you" Danesha said trying to make out his words,
"What....are..you...doing..here" he slowly bit out,
Everyone saw the rage growing in him,
"Get out!" Stephan pushed her off of him, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Danesha rushed past, Big Poppa and Vanessa through the door, Stephan's heart monitor was going crazy since he was freaking out,
"Stephan!" Big Poppa roared at him, and Stephan snapped his neck around to look at his father, "What the hell do you think you're doing, why you behaving like that towards her?" Big Poppa had no idea what happened this weekend.
"She's a slut!, I never want to see her again!" Stephan shouted at them, Vanessa was seeing a whole new side of Stephan that she didn't like.
"What happened?" Big Poppa said turning to Vanessa,
"It's better if he told you, nice to meet you Big Poppa, imma go look for her"
"Yea you go look for your whore friend" Stephan hissed at her as she grabbed the doorknob, stopping Vanessa in her tracks. She turned rage taking over her body,
"I've never killed a man on bed rest but you can be the first!"

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