30. It's Going To Get Better

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I thought this was over, I thought he would leave me alone, but why would he, I fucked up his entire life, I ruined everything and now he's going after people because of me.

Vanessa had her headphones in but not even the voice of Alina Baraz could get her out of her thoughts; they were on their way back to the beach-house, it was evening and all Vanessa could think about was Matthew.

They drove silently, Catherine and Hannah in the front while Vanessa curled up into a ball in the backseat looking outside as the trees merged together to form one mass of green as they drove by. This would be Derek and Nessa's last night at the beach-house since he had work the following day. They were going to grab their stuff and head home leaving Catherine and Hannah alone.

Vanessa lifelessly trotted into the house, mentally and physically tired, the bed was screaming her name but she just didn't want to lie down,

"Baby" Derek said rubbing the back of his neck, she only knew he said something because his lips moved, she couldn't hear him through the blasting music, she popped a headphone off to listen to him, "Go get in the car I've got this". He was referring to the packing an she took him up on his offer.

After about 5 trips Derek had the car back and ready to go, Vanessa watched as Derek gave Hannah and Catherine a hug and a kiss each and was on his way to the car. Vanessa felt her phone vibrating, when she looked down it was a message from Hannah

Hannah: I know you aren't in the mood for people, but I'm gonna miss you being here😘😿

Hannah: Can we spend the day together?

She looked up to see Hannah with her phone in her hand looking hopeful,

Vanessa: Yes, and i'll miss you too 😘

With that response Hannah blew her a kiss and waved, a smile tugged at her lips but as Derek pulled out of the driveway it faded.

After about 25 minutes they were cruising up to the apartment building, Vanessa was to engrossed in her thinking to notice that they had stopped,

"Babe!" he called to her hoping she heard him, but she remained still, earphones blasting as he could hear the bass of a song, Derek shook her lightly causing her head to whip around, he smiled at her but her face remained blank, so he raised his hand to her ear an popped the earphone out,

"We're home" he said, she turned to examine their surroundings and they were indeed home.

They quickly unloaded the car, and headed up to their home, Vanessa was too lost in her thoughts to even realize Derek made dinner for her. She just took a long soak in the bathe and waited for the police to contact them.

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